Maklumat Kata

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lurus (adjektif)
1. Bersinonim dengan terus: jurus, langsung, lempang,
Berantonim dengan bengkok

2. Bersinonim dengan benar: jujur, ikhlas, tulus hati, suci, mustakim, sadik,

Kata Terbitan : selurusnya, meluruskan, kelurusan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

straight adj 1. not curved or crooked, lurus; (of st perpendicular) tegak, lurus; (of skirt, dress), (berpotongan) lurus: she has long ~ hair, dia mempunyai rambut lurus yg panjang; a cane chair with a ~ back, kerusi rotan yg penyandarnya tegak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
artlessadj 1. without deceit or guile, naive, lurus, naif: a child’s ~ questions, soalan-soalan lurus seorang anak; a woman who is candid and ~, wanita yg terus terang dan lurus; 2. natural, unpretentious, bersahaja: ~ girlishness, tingkah laku kegadisan-gadisan yg bersahaja; 3. lacking art, skill, tdk mempunyai keindahan seni: an ~ fireplace, perapian yg tdk mempunyai keindahan seni.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
artlessnessn 1. guilessness, naivety, lurus, naif: he sat quietly, enjoying the ~ of the girls’ chatter, dia duduk berdiam diri sambil mendengar celoteh lurus budak-budak perempuan itu; the ~ of his remark, kata-katanya yg lurus; 2. naturalness, unpretensiousness, bersahaja: the quaintness and ~ of the old dialect,dialek lama yg menarik dan bersahaja.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bolt1adv; ~ upright, tegak lurus: to sit ~ upright, duduk tegak lurus.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
perpendicular adj 1. at right angles , tegak lurus, serenjang: the lines are ~ to one another , garisan itu tegak lurus antara satu sama lain; 2. vertical, erect , tegak: a ~ cliff drop, lerengan cenuram yg tegak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
simple-minded adj 1. inexperienced, artless, terlalu lurus, mudah dipengaruhi: moneylenders who rob the ~ village folks, pemberi pinjam wang yg menipu orang-orang kampung yg terlalu lurus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
literaladj 1. word for word, harfiah: a ~ translation, terjemahan harfiah; 2. not figurative or metaphorical, literal, sebenar: the ~ meaning of a word, makna literal sst perkataan; 3. not imaginative, lurus; (in interpretation of music etc) menunjukkan sso tdk menghayati sst: he has a rather ~ mind, dia orang yg berfikiran lurus; her rendering of the music is rather ~, cara dia memainkan muzik itu menunjukkan dia tdk menghayati sst; 4. consisting of, indicated by letters, huruf: to give ~ grades, not numerical ones, memberikan gred huruf bukan gred angka; 5. accurate, genuine, benar: it is a ~ fact that egalitarianism is difficult to achieve, adalah satu kenyataan yg benar bahawa egalitarianisme sukar dicapai.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sack13. also sack dress loose, straight garment, baju /lurus tegak, karung/; 4. (US) bed, katil;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
down13. away, along, [no specif translation]: can you run ~ to the shop?, boleh kamu lari ke kedai sekejap?; 4. (indic a decrease in quantity, volume, etc), [no specif translation]: the screaming kid quietened ~, budak yg menjerit-jerit itu perlahan-lahan diam; she calmed ~ after a while, tdk lama kemudian dia tenang semula; 5. from top to bottom, lurus ke bawah: the triangular motifs ~ the sides of the fabric, motif tiga segi yg lurus ke bawah di bahagian tepi fabrik itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stem 1 n 1. main axis of plant, batang: wooden stakes were used to keep the ~s of the young trees straight, kayu pancang digunakan utk mengampu batang pokok yg muda supaya lurus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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