fulfil | (US) fulfill vt 1. carry out, (obligation, request, duty) menunaikan, memenuhi; (promise) menunaikan, memenuhi, menepati; (function, role) memenuhi: she still had one duty to ~, masih ada satu kewajipan yg harus ditunaikannya; we regret that we are unable to ~ your request, dukacita kami tdk dapat memenuhi permintaan saudara; he never ~led the promise he made to Fatimah, dia tdk pernah menepati janji yg dibuatnya kpd Fatimah; 2. comply with, memenuhi: you must first ~ all the requirements, pertama sekali kamu mesti memenuhi segala syarat; one of the conditions has not been ~led, satu drpd syarat itu belum dipenuhi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ the news (to so.) menyampaikan berita (kpd sso); ~ open, pecah; ~ st open, membuka dgn mengopak; ~ o’s promise, /mungkir, tdk menepati/ janji; ~ (up) a set, memecahkan set; ~ o’s silence, /membuka, memecahkan/ rahsia; /(ter)salah, ketinggalan/ langkah; ~ o’s word, mungkir janji, tdk /menepati, mengotakan/ kata; ~ the water, muncul di permukaan air; ~ wind, buang angin, kentut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deadline | n /tarikh, tempoh/ akhir, batas waktu: to meet the ~, menepati tarikh akhir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faith | ~ - cure, ~ - healing, pengubatan secara perbomohan; ~ healer, bomoh; bad ~, insincerity, ketidakjujuran; break ~ (with so.) mungkir janji, tdk menepati kata; in bad ~, secara tdk jujur; in good ~, secara jujur: he acted in good ~, dia bertindak secara jujur; /keep, break/ ~ with (so.), /setia, tdk setia/ kpd (sso). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
FALSE | ~ bottom, bahagian bawah yg rahsia; ~ - hearted, berhati curang; ~ note, nada sumbang; ~ start, salah mula; be ~ to o’s words, tdk menepati kata; give so. ~ hopes, membuat sso terharap-harap; make a ~ move, silap langkah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ an appointment, a. (by cancelling) mengatakan tdk dapat datang; (fml) membatalkan janji temu: he rang up to ~ his appointment, dia menelefon utk mengatakan dia tdk dapat datang; b. (by not arriving) tdk menepati janji temu; ~ the back of, (fig.) a. (resistance) mematahkan: the attack broke the back of the enemy’s resistance, serangan itu mematahkan tentangan musuh; b. (problem) memecahkan; c. (a particular job) mengatasi kerumitan: if we start early, we might be able to ~ the back of digging the trenches before dusk, jika kita mula awal, kita mungkin dapat menyelesaikan kerja yg paling sukar dlm menggali kubu-kubu parit itu sebelum senja; ~ bread, makan bersama-sama; ~ the bank, a. win all the money, mengaut semua wang; b. (colloq) cost a very large sum of money, habis wang sso: $2.00! Well, that certainly won’t ~ the bank!, $2.00! | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faithful | adj 1. remain loyal, constant, true, a. (to so.) setia: a ~ friend, kawan yg setia; she was a ~ wife, dia isteri yg setia; b. (to cause, principles, etc) berpegang teguh: he was always ~ to his principles, dia sentiasa berpegang teguh kpd prinsipnya; be ~ in the observance of st, taat mengerjakan sst; be ~ to o’s promise, menepati janji sso; 3. trustworthy, boleh dipercayai: a ~ witness, saksi yg boleh dipercayai; 4. accurate, tepat: ~ in every detail, tepat dlm segala perincian; 5. true to the facts, setia: a ~ description, pemerian yg setia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delay | n 1. act, process of delaying, kelewatan, kelambatan: the ~ was caused by a snowstorm, kelewatan itu disebabkan oleh ribut salji; there has been a production ~, terdapat kelewatan pengeluaran; without /any, further/ ~, /tanpa, dgn tdk/ berlengah-lengah lagi; 2. waiting period, kelewatan: there will be a ~ of four hours, kelewatan akan berlaku selama empat jam; 3. instance, a. (>of being delayed) terlewat, tdk menepati jadual: the train arrived after several ~s, kereta api tiba setelah beberapa kali terlewat; b. (of delaying) penangguhan, ditangguhkan: there have been several ~s but it is hoped that work will start next week, setelah berlaku beberapa penangguhan, diharap kerja akan bermula minggu hadapan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appointment | n 1. act of selecting for a position etc, pelantikan; (committee, task force, etc) penubuhan: a monarch who seldom exercised his right of ~, raja yg jarang-jarang menggunakan kuasa pelantikannya; by ~, a. (by royal warrant) pelantikan dgn watikah; b. (leg.) pelantikan: power of ~, kuasa pelantikan; 2. arrangement to meet so., janji temu: to keep an ~, menepati janji temu; to break an ~, memungkiri janji temu; 3. position, office assigned, jawatan (lantikan); 4. (usu in pl) fitting, furnishing, perlengkapan: the new liner’s ~s are the talk of the town, perlengkapan kapal baru itu menjadi bahan percakapan orang di bandar itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adhere | ~ to, a. (idea, decision, demand, etc) tdk berganjak drpd, berpegang teguh pd: to ~ to o’s opinion, tdk berganjak drpd pendapat sso; b. (cause, doctrine, religion, etc) berpegang teguh pd, taat kpd: ~ to the teachings of Islam, berpegang teguh pd ajaran-ajaran Islam; c. (rule, instruction, plan, etc) berpegang teguh pd, mematuhi: he ~s to the party line, dia berpegang teguh pd pendirian parti; d. (agreement, promise, treaty, etc) berpegang teguh pd, menepati, mematuhi: to ~ to a treaty, berpegang teguh pd persetiaan; e. (person, organization) /setia, taat/ kpd: to ~ to a political party, setia kpd sst parti politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |