brighten | vt also ~ up, 1. cast light on, menerangi: the moon ~ed the landscape, bulan menerangi kawasan itu; 2. make more shiny, mengilatkan, mengilaukan: a good polishing will ~ up the silverware, barang-barang perak itu dapat dikilatkan jika digilap dgn baik; 3. make more vivid, menerangkan, mencerahkan, membuat sst /terang, cerah/: he ~ed the picture by adding touches of red, dia menerangkan gambar itu dgn membubuh warna merah sedikit di sana sini; 4. make more auspicious, mencerahkan, membuat [n] cerah: a change in management ~ed his prospects, pertukaran pihak pengurusan membuat harapannya cerah; 5. make more cheerful, enliven, memeriahkan: his presence ~ed up the rather dull occasion, kehadirannya memeriahkan majlis yg agak membosankan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illuminate | vt 1. light up, a. menerangi: hundreds of candles ~d the room, beratus-ratus lilin menerangi bilik itu; b. (fig.) menyerikan: a smile that ~d his whole face, senyuman yg menyerikan mukanya; 2. decorate with lights, menghias dgn lampu: the streets were ~d to celebrate the royal wedding, jalan-jalan dihias dgn lampu utk meraikan perkahwinan diraja; 3. make clear, (act.) menjadikan [n] jelas; (pass.) jelas: the lecture ~d several obscure points, ceramah itu menjadikan beberapa perkara yg kabur jelas; 4. decorate (manuscript) with gold, silver, coloured designs, etc, menghias [manuskrip] dgn bahan warna-warni; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illumination | n 1. act of, a. (lighting up) menerangi: proper ~ of the area will be difficult, sukar utk menerangi tempat itu dgn baik; b. (decorating with lights) menghias [n] dgn lampu; c. (making clear, enlightening) approp n + menjadi jelas: I gained some ~ from the talk, beberapa perkara menjadi jelas pd saya setelah mendengar ceramah itu; d. (decorating with gold, silver, coloured designs, etc) penghiasan [manuskrip] dgn bahan warna-warni; 2. source or strength of light, cahaya; 3. (usu in pl) decorative lights, lampu; 4. decoration on manuscript, hiasan bahan warna-warni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flash | n 1. sudden, brief gleam or blaze of light, pancaran cahaya (sekejap), denyaran; (when source of light is named) pancaran, denyaran: the ~es from the explosions lit up the landscape, pancaran cahaya drpd letupan-letupan itu menerangi kawasan sekitar; a ~ of lightning, pancaran kilat; the ~ of a diamond in the light, pancaran berlian yg kena cahaya; 2. brief outburst or display, sekilas, kilasan: a sudden ~ of insight told him what was going on, kilasan wawasan yg datang dgn tiba-tiba itu memberitahunya apa yg sedang terjadi; in a ~ of anger she slammed the door, dlm kemarahan yg sekilas itu, dia menghempaskan pintu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glow | n 1. the giving out of heat or light, pijar; (of cigarette) api: the ~ from the coal furnace, pijar dr relau arang batu; 2. steady, even light, cahaya: the ~ of the city lights in the distance, cahaya lampu-lampu kota itu di kejauhan; 3. vividness of colour, radiance, cahaya: the ~ of sunset lit up the sky, cahaya matahari terbenam menerangi langit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burst | n 1. breach or rupture, pecah: a ~ in the dyke, pecah pd benteng; a ~ in the water mains, pecah pd paip besar; 2. a. sudden esplosion, (of gunfire) letusan [n] yg /bertubi-tubi, berturut-turut/; (of shells) ledakan, letupan: there was a ~ of machine-gun fire, kedengaran letusan mesingan yg bertubi-tubi; shell ~s lit up the sky, ledakan peluru meriam menerangi langit; b. sudden violent occurrence or outbreak, (of flames) tiba-tiba bergejolak; (of thunder) dentuman; (of rain) tiba-tiba turun mencurah-curah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |