defile 1 | vt 1. make dirty, pollute, (by person, animal) mencemarkan, mengotorkan; (by st) mencemari, mengotori: rivers ~d by effluents, sungai yg dicemari efluen; 2. sully, tarnish, (by person), mencemarkan, mengotorkan, menodai; (by st) mengotori, menodai: such practice ~s the institution of marriage, amalan spt itu mencemari institusi perkahwinan; to ~ so’s good name, mencemarkan nama baik sso; to ~ o’s mind by reading pornographic books, mencemari fikiran sso dgn membaca buku-buku lucah; 3. desecrate, (by person) menodai, mencemarkan; (by st) menodai mencemari: to ~ a shrine, mencemarkan kuil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stain | 2. sully, mencemarkan, menodai: an incident that ~ed his reputation, peristiwa yg mencemarkan nama baiknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
besmirch | vt 1. soil, mengotori; 2. tarnish, (by so.) mencemarkan; (by st) mencemari, menodai: his name has been ~ed by the writer, namanya telah dicemarkan oleh penulis itu; the company’s name has been ~ed by the revelations, nama syarikat itu telah dicemari oleh pendedahan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
molest | vt 1. attack and harm, menyerang: she would not travel alone for fear of being ~ed, dia tdk berani berjalan sendirian krn takut diserang; 2. (fml) attack sexually, memperkosa, menodai, mencabul kehormatan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contaminate | vt 1. make impure, a. mencemari: the river has been ~d with waste matter, sungai itu telah dicemari bahan buangan; flies ~ food, lalat mencemari makanan; b. (fig.) menodai, mencemari: his morals have been ~d by bad company, akhlaknya telah dinodai oleh teman-temannya yg jahat; 2. pollute with radioactivity, mencemari dgn bahan radioaktif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |