bracing | adj menyegarkan: the mountain air is ~, udara di gunung menyegarkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freshen | vt 1. make fresh, menyegarkan: that thunderstorm just now has really ~ed the air, ribut petir sebentar tadi telah betul-betul menyegarkan udara; 2. add to (drink) menambah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invigorating | adj cause to be more energetic, [sso] berasa lebih cergas; (of air, climate) menyegarkan; (of tonic, drink) mencergaskan badan: after the ~ walk, they made a beeline for the swimming pool, selepas pergi berjalan-jalan dan berasa lebih cergas, mereka terus menuju ke kolam renang; a massage, followed by an ~ bath, setelah diurut, dia mandi dan berasa lebih cergas; the mountain air was truly ~, udara gunung sungguh menyegarkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freshen | ~ up, (colloq), (by washing, shaving, etc) membasuh muka: just give me ten minutes to ~ up, beri saya sepuluh minit utk membasuh muka; ~ so. up, menyegarkan sso: a good sleep will ~ you up, tidur yg cukup akan menyegarkan kamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
healthy | adj 1. enjoying, showing good health, sihat; (of plants) subur: ~ babies, bayi-bayi yg sihat; ~ skin, kulit yg sihat; 2. thriving, teguh: the country’s economy is fairly ~, ekonomi negara itu agak teguh; 3. conducive to health, menyihatkan, menyegarkan: the ~ air of the mountains, udara gunung yg menyihatkan; a ~ climate, iklim yg menyegarkan; 4. good, beneficial, sihat: ~ competition, persaingan yg sihat; ~ reading for school children, pembacaan yg sihat utk kanak-kanak sekolah 5. sensible, wajar: children have a ~ interest in the human body, kanak-kanak mempunyai minat yg wajar thdp tubuh manusia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brisk | adj 1. quick and active, lively, a. (of person) cergas: a ~ old lady, seorang wanita tua yg cergas; b. (of walk, pace, etc) pantas: they went for a ~ walk, mereka berjalan-jalan dgn pantas; they set off at a ~ pace, mereka membuka langkah pantas; c. (of trade, sales, etc) cergas, giat: trading was ~ on the stock exchange, perdagangan di bursa saham cergas; a ~ demand for cotton goods, permintaan cergas utk barang-barang kapas; 2. sharp and stimulating, invigorating, menyegarkan: ~ weather, cuaca yg menyegarkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
astringency | n 1. severity, austereness, a. (of st said) kepedasan; b. (of st written) ketajaman; 2. quality of being sharp, invigorating, a. (of taste) kepedaran; (chem) keastringenan; b. (of smell) menyegarkan; (chem) keastringenan; 3. property of drawing together body tissues, keastringenan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
astringent | adj 1. severe, austere, a. (of st said) pedas, memedihkan: an ~ remark, kata-kata pedas; b. (of st written) tajam: he wrote a somewhat ~ review of the book, dia menulis ulasan yg agak tajam ttg buku itu; 2. sharp, invigorating, a. (of taste) pedar; (chem) astringen; b. (of smell) menyegarkan; 3. (chem) astringen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
condition | vt 1. determine, menentukan: environment ~s plant growth, persekitaran menentukan pertumbuhan tanam-tanaman; 2. (tech or derog) train, accustom (so., st) to behave in particular way, (act.) melazimkan; (pass.) terlazim, dilazimkan: father had ~ed us to believe that men are superior to women, bapa telah melazimkan kami supaya mempercayai bahawa kaum lelaki lebih tinggi darjatnya drpd kaum wanita; we are ~ed by the world we live in, kami terlazim oleh dunia yg kami diami; 3. put into a healthy, good state, [various translations]: all his dogs look well ~ed, kesemua anjingnya kelihatan sihat dan rapi; a new brand of shampoo that ~s and revitalizes the hair, jenama syampu yg baru yang merapikan dan menyegarkan semula rambut; to ~ leather, menyamak kulit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |