cant2 | vt menyengetkan, memiringkan: to ~ the table to get it through the door, menyengetkan meja itu supaya dapat lepas melalui pintu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
careen | vt (naut) memiringkan, menyendengkan, menyengetkan: they ~ed the ship to repair the hole, mereka menyendengkan kapal itu utk menampal tempat yg bocor. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cock | vt 1. set hammer of gun for firing, mencekah, mengokang; 2. also ~ up, raise and turn in particular direction, [various translations]: he ~ed his head to one side as though to have a better look at the picture, dia menelengkan kepalanya seolah-olah hendak melihat gambar itu dgn lebih baik; the horse ~ed its ears, kuda itu menegakkan telinganya; the dog ~ed its leg and urinated, anjing itu mengangkat kakinya lalu kencing; 3. tilt (hat) menyengetkan, menyendengkan, memiringkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |