idolatrous | adj 1. practising idol worship, /menyembah, memuja/ berhala; 2. resembling idol worship, menyerupai pemujaan: ~ devotion to the leader, kesetiaan pd pemimpin yg menyerupai pemujaan; 3. excessive in devotion, memuja-muja, mendewa-dewakan: his ~ fans, peminat yg mendewa-dewakannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
furry | adj 1. covered with fur, berbulu: ~ animals, binatang-binatang yg berbulu; 2. esembling fur, menyerupai bulu: soft, ~ material, kain lembut yg menyerupai bulu; 3. (of tongue) berselaput. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carbon copy | n 1. copy made by using carbon paper, salinan (karbon); 2. so., st very similar to another person or thing, (sso, sst) yg betul-betul menyerupai: she’s a ~ of her grandmother, dia betul-betul menyerupai neneknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imitate | vt 1. follow as model, example, meniru, mencontoh: the boy tries to ~ his elder brother in every way, budak itu mencuba meniru kelakuan abangnya dlm segala hal; 2. mimic, mengajuk: comedians who ~ prominent people to amuse their audiences, pelawak-pelawak yg mengajuk telatah orang-orang terkenal utk menghiburkan hati para penonton; the bird can ~ a dog’s bark, burung itu dapat mengajuk salakan anjing; 3. produce, make a likeness of, meniru: his style is difficult to ~, gaya penulisannya sukar ditiru; 4. resemble, be like (in appearance) menyerupai, kelihatan spt: the plastic is grained to ~ wood, plastik itu dikira supaya menyerupai kayu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | iii. (when used ref to animal, plant, etc that is personified or in highly tech context) ia: the birch tree was so pleased ~ stood still, looking at the ribbon, pokok birch itu begitu gembira hingga ia terdiam kaku, memperhatikan reben tersebut; lithium resembles sodium and potassium in appearance, but ~ is harder than either of the two, litium menyerupai natrium dan kalium, tetapi ia lebih keras drpd kedua-duanya; iv. (used with Malay pass. verb) -nya: the explosion must have been terrific judging from the damage ~ caused, letupan itu pasti dahsyat memandangkan kerosakan yg diakibatkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bear2 | ~ a date, bertarikh, /diberi, dibubuhi/ tarikh: the letter ~s no date, surat itu tdk bertarikh;~ fruit, a. berbuah, menghasilkan buah; b. (fig.) berhasil, mendatangkan hasil; ~ (st) in mind, ingat (akan sst), mengingati (sst); ~ office, /menjawat, memegang/ jawatan; ~ oneself, carry os, gaya sso + approp v: he ~s himself well when he is marching, gaya dia berkawat sungguh segak; ~ relation to (st), /berkaitan, berhubungan, bertalian/ dgn (sst): the arguments ~ no relation to the issue at hand, hujah-hujah itu tdk berkaitan dgn persoalan yg dihadapi; ~ a resemblance to, mirip kpd, menyerupai; ~ so’s signature, tandatangan sso terdapat pd: the document ~s your signature, tandatangan tuan terdapat pd dokumen itu ; ~ the name (of st), bernama (sst); ~ witness, menjadi saksi; ~ witness to, (of st) menunjukkan, membuktikan: the ruins ~ witness to a former prosperity, runtuhan itu membuktikan kemakmuran pd zaman lampau; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |