creeping | adj 1. (of plant) menjalar, melata, merayap, menyulur; 2. (of a process) menjalar, merayap: ~ socialism, sosialisme menjalar; ~ inflation, inflasi merayap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creep | b. (of mass of cloud, mist) berarak; c. (of hand of clock) merangkak: the hands of the clock crept towards midnight, jarum jam merangkak ke pukul dua belas tengah malam; d. (of water, tide) merangkak: the water crept slowly up the shore, air perlahan-lahan merangkak naik ke pantai; e. (of emotion, tone of voice, etc) mula terasa: an arrogant note crept into his voice, nada angkuh mula terasa dlm suaranya; suspicion began to ~ into her mind, rasa syak mula terasa dlm fikirannya; f. (of mistakes etc) berlaku, terjadi: after two hours of typing, mistakes started to ~ into his work, selepas dua jam menaip, kesilapan mula berlaku dlm kerjanya; 4. (of plant) menjalar, melata, merayap, menyulur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |