dream | n 1. sequence of images experienced during sleep, mimpi: to wake up from a bad ~, terjaga dr mimpi yg menakutkan; sweet ~s!, mimpi manis!; 2. daydream, khayalan, lamunan; ~ world, alam /khayalan, impian/; 3. state of mind in which one is abstracted, khayalan: he has been going about in a ~ since he fell in love, dia hidup dlm khayalan sejak dia jatuh cinta; 4. (ideal) idaman, impian; (aspiration) impian: the man of her ~s, lelaki idamannya; his ~ was to become a millionaire, impiannya adalah utk menjadi seorang jutawan; the car of your ~s, kereta impianmu; 5. (colloq) so. or st which is very beautiful, enjoyable, wonderful, etc, [various translations]: she was a ~ in white lace, dia spt bidadari dgn pakaian baju renda serba putih; the house was really a ~, rumah itu betul-betul spt mahligai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dreamlike | adj bagaikan mimpi: the landscape had a ~ quality, pemandangan di situ bagaikan mimpi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incubus | n 1. (liter.) nightmare, mimpi dahsyat; 2. devil that has sexual intercourse with women in their sleep, hantu; 3. st that oppresses like a nightmare, approp n + yg menekan: to be free from the ~ of slavery, bebas drpd amalan pengabdian yg menekan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dream | vt 1. have visions in sleep (of) memimpikan; (foll by clause) bermimpi: to ~ strange dreams, memimpikan mimpi yg aneh; he ~t he was marooned on a desert island, dia bermimpi dia terdampar di pulau yg tdk berpenghuni; 2. imagine, bermimpi; (foll by clause) termimpi: I wasn’t there, you must have ~t it, saya tdk ada di situ, kamu bermimpi agaknya; he never ~t that such a thing would happen, dia tdk termimpi perkara begitu boleh terjadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fantastic | adj 1. preposterous, tdk /masuk akal, munasabah/, bukan-bukan: ~ ideas, gagasan yg tdk masuk akal; 2. strange, imaginary, ajaib, aneh: a ~ dream, mimpi yg aneh; a ~ world of monsters, dunia ajaib raksasa; 3. (sl) excellent, hebat: a ~ performance, pertunjukan yg hebat; she looked ~ in that outfit, dia kelihatan hebat berpakaian begitu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beautiful | 5. aesthetically, intellectually gratifying, indah: a short story written in ~ language, cerpen yg ditulis dlm bahasa yg indah; a ~ landscape by Constable, lukisan bentuk darat yg indah oleh Constable; 6. (colloq) excellent, very enjoyable, [various translations]: the weather was ~, cuaca bagus sekali; ~ batting, pukulan yg cantik; a ~ dream, mimpi yg indah; we had a ~ holiday, percutian kami sangat menyeronokkan; it was a ~ party, majlis keramaian itu sangat menyeronokkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bad | adj 1. very unsatisfactory, buruk, tdk baik: ~ working conditions, keadaan kerja yg buruk; a ~ essay, karangan yg buruk; the treatment was ~, layanan yg diberikan buruk; a ~ performance by the company, prestasi yg buruk oleh syarikat itu; 2. unfavourable, unpleasant, buruk: a ~ dream, mimpi yg buruk; ~ effects, kesan-kesan buruk; a ~ experience, pengalaman buruk; a ~ influence, pengaruh buruk; I have ~ news for you, saya ada berita buruk utk kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | c. (used with proper nouns) di: she lives ~ Medan, dia tinggal di Medan; sailing ~ Malaysian waters, belayar di perairan Malaysia; d. (in materially bound object) pada; (in mouth, hand, leg, etc) di: there’s a nail ~ the wall, ada paku pada dinding; I noticed a hole ~ his pocket, saya ternampak lubang pada sakunya; wounded ~ the shoulder, cedera di bahu; e. (in st immaterial, intangible) dalam: he only exists ~ my dreams, dia hanya wujud dalam mimpi saya; she has a lot of ideas ~ her head, dia ada banyak gagasan dalam kepalanya; ~ his heart he new that he was wrong, dalam hatinya dia tahu bahawa dia bersalah; my fate is ~ your hands, nasib saya dalam tangan tuan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horrid | adj 1. (colloq) unpleasant, dahsyat, teruk: this is a ~ place, it’s full of ants and cockroaches, tempat ini teruk, penuh dgn semut dan lipas; (of person, person’s behaviour, etc), [various translations]: she had a ~ stepmother, dia mempunyai ibu tiri yg garang; don’t be ~ to your little sister, jangan berkasar thdp adikmu; 2. frightening, repulsive, sangat menakutkan, dahsyat: the monster had a really ~ face, rupa raksasa itu sangat menakutkan; a ~ dream, mimpi yg dahsyat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |