equivalent | adj 1. equal in value, amount, etc, sama; (ref to word, phrase) padanan: you can exchange those sweets for an ~ amount of chocolates, kamu boleh menukar gula-gula ini dgn coklat yg sama banyaknya; this is ~ to five Malaysian ringgit, wang ini sama nilainya dgn lima ringgit Malaysia; the ~ English phrase is longer, frasa padanan dlm bahasa Inggeris lebih panjang; 2. (math) setara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adaptation | n 1. adjusting, a. (of person) penyesuaian diri; b. (of thing) penyesuaian: the ~ of a sewing machine for embroidery stitching, penyesuaian mesin jahit utk kerja sulam-menyulam; 2. (of play, novel, etc) pemadanan, pengadaptasian, penyesuaian; (so as to be relevant to the local setting) penyaduran: the ~ of the book for the stage has been completed, pemadanan buku itu utk pementasan telah selesai; 3. st adapted (play, novel, etc) padanan; (so as to be relevant to the local setting) saduran: the screen ~ of "Gone with the Wind", padanan cerita "Gone with the Wind" utk filem. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
co-ordinate, coordinate | n 1. (math) koordinat; 2. (in pl), (clothes) pakaian padanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |