going-over | n (colloq) a. thorough examination, pemeriksaan, memeriksa; (document, manuscript) penelitian, meneliti: you’ll need to give that car a ~ before you go on your long journey, kamu perlu memeriksa kereta itu sebelum kamu berjalan jauh; b. cleaning, membersihkan; c. repairing, membaiki; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
examination | n 1. act of, a. (inspecting, scrutinizing, investigating) pemeriksaan; (idea, proposal, plan, claim, etc) penelitian, pemeriksaan: an ~ of the wreckage failed to establish the cause of the crash, pemeriksaan bangkai pesawat gagal menentukan sebab nahas itu berlaku; he made a thorough ~ of the car before buying it, dia membuat pemeriksaan yg teliti pd kereta itu sebelum membelinya; she went to the doctor for a routine physical ~, dia pergi berjumpa doktor utk pemeriksaan rutin; b. (questioning a witness in court) pemeriksaan; 2. formal test, peperiksaan: there will be an oral ~ as well as a written one, peperiksaan lisan juga peperiksaan bertulis akan diadakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |