adaptation | n 1. adjusting, a. (of person) penyesuaian diri; b. (of thing) penyesuaian: the ~ of a sewing machine for embroidery stitching, penyesuaian mesin jahit utk kerja sulam-menyulam; 2. (of play, novel, etc) pemadanan, pengadaptasian, penyesuaian; (so as to be relevant to the local setting) penyaduran: the ~ of the book for the stage has been completed, pemadanan buku itu utk pementasan telah selesai; 3. st adapted (play, novel, etc) padanan; (so as to be relevant to the local setting) saduran: the screen ~ of "Gone with the Wind", padanan cerita "Gone with the Wind" utk filem. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accommodation | n 1. adjustment, adaptation, ( to new circumstances etc) penyesuaian: the ~ of the Catholic Church to new ideas, penyesuaian Gereja Katolik dgn idea-idea baru; 2. lodging, (tempat) penginapan: hotel ~, penginapan di hotel; 3. settlement, compromise, penyelesaian: an ~ can be reached by compromise or arbitration, penyelesaian dapat dicapai dgn kompromi atau timbang tara; come to an ~, mencapai /penyelesaian, kompromi/; 4. loan, pinjaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adjustment | n 1. act of, a. (changing the position of) membetulkan: his tie needed a little ~, tali lehernya perlu dibetulkan sedikit; b. (regulating) pelarasan, pembetulan: the ~ of the instrument took several hours, pelarasan alat itu memakan masa beberapa jam; c. (adapting) penyesuaian: ~ to city life, penyesuaian dgn kehidupan kota; period of ~, tempoh penyesuaian; the eye’s ~ to bright light, penyesuaian mata kpd cahaya yg terang; ~ to the immigration laws may be necessary, penyesuaian kpd undang-undang imigrasi mungkin diperlukan; 2. (accounting) pelarasan; 3. (insurance) penaksiran bayaran tuntutan; 4. control for adjusting, pelaras. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acclimatization | n 1. adaptation to new climate, penyesuaiikliman, aklimatisasi: ~ of plants in glasshouses, penyesuaiikliman tumbuh-tumbuhan dlm rumah-rumah kaca; 2. adaptation to new surroundings etc, penyesuaian diri: ~ to army life, penyesuaian diri dgn kehidupan tentera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
readjustment | n 1. adapting to a new situation, penyesuaian diri; 2. correcting the adjustment of, pelarasan semula: the machine needs some ~s, jentera itu perlu sedikit pelarasan semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine1 | 4. consists of very small particles, halus; (of mist, smoke) tipis: ~ sand, pasir yg halus; clouds of ~ dust rose up when he entered the empty house, habuk yg halus berkepul-kepul naik apabila dia memasuki rumah yg kosong itu; 5. having very small holes, halus (matanya): ~ fishing nets, jala ikan yg halus matanya; ~ sieve, tapisan yg halus; 6. delicate, subtle, halus: a ~ difference in meaning, perbezaan makna yg halus; he made a few ~ adjustments to the car’s engine, dia membuat beberapa penyesuaian yg halus pd enjin keretanya; the ~r details of the argument escaped him, dia tdk dapat menangkap butiran-butiran yg halus dlm perdebatan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |