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positif (adjektif,)
Bahasa Asal :Inggeris
Bersinonim dengan pasti, tentu, tegas, sah, nyata, jelas, terang, benar, sahih, tepat, jitu, muktamad;,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

positivelyadv 1. with complete certainty, secara /positif, pasti/: the finger prints have not been ~ identified, cap jari itu belum lagi dikenal pasti secara positif; 2. in a constructive way, secara positif: the participants at the seminar contributed ~, para peserta yg menghadiri seminar itu terlibat secara positif; 3. expressing approval, agreement, etc, secara positif: he has responded to your suggestion very ~, dia telah memberikan tindak balas yg positif thdp cadangan kamu; 4. definitely, betul-betul, benar-benar: I know he’ll be back soon as he ~ assured me he would, saya tahu dia akan pulang tdk lama lagi krn dia telah betul-betul meyakinkan saya bahawa dia akan berbuat begitu; 5. (colloq) extremely, absolutely, betul-betul: I’m ~ furious, saya betul-betul marah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
positiveadj 1. expressing certainty, positif, pasti: ~ answer, jawapan yg positif; the police have ~ proof of his innocence, pihak polis mempunyai bukti yg pasti bahawa dia tdk bersalah; “Are you sure she came home at lunch time?” “I’m ~”, “Kamu pasti dia pulang pd waktu makan tengah hari?” “Saya pasti”; 2. constructive, beneficial, membina, positif: we are grateful for the many ~ suggestions that have been made, kami amatlah berterima kasih atas cadangan-cadangan yg membina itu; ~ thinking, pemikiran yg positif;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
favourableadj 1. good, promising, baik, menggalakkan: ~ prospects for economic growth, masa depan yg baik utk pertumbuhan ekonomi; ~ signs, tanda-tanda yg menggalakkan; 2. advantageous, menguntungkan: ~ terms, syarat-syarat yg menguntungkan; 3. giving consent, positif: a ~ answer, jawapan yg positif; 4. suitable, sesuai: the climate is ~ for the growing of rubber, iklimnya sesuai utk penanaman getah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
signn 1. symbol in mathematics and music, tanda: the plus or positive ~ is written thus “+”, tanda plus atau positif ditulis begini “+”; 2. gesture, isyarat: the two men spoke in ~ language, kedua-dua orang itu bercakap dlm bahasa isyarat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pole2n 1.either of two ends of the earth’s axis, kutub: the South ~, Kutub Selatan; 2. (phys) kutub: the positive ~, kutub positif; 3. (fig.) either of two conflicting extremes, bertentangan: our views are at opposite ~s, pendapat kita bertentangan sama sekali;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
prognosisn (fml) 1. (med) prognosis; 2. prediction or probable development of st, forecast, ramalan: there are positive factors in the economy that may falsify this gloomy ~, terdapat faktor-faktor positif dlm ekonomi yg dapat menolak ramalan yg muram ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
spirit 1 6. characteristic quality, aims, beliefs, semangat: the revolutionary ~ of the mid-nineteenth century, semangat revolusioner pertengahan abad kesembilan belas; 7. attitude, sikap: I hope she takes it in a positive ~, saya harap dia menerimanya dgn sikap yg positif;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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