helm | n 1. kemudi; 2. (fig.), /pucuk, teraju/ pimpinan: with someone capable at the ~ , the country will become politically and economically strong, dgn adanya seorang yg berkebolehan dlm pucuk pimpinan, negara akan menjadi kuat dr segi politik dan ekonomi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apple-green | adj & n hijau pucuk pisang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
greenish | adj kehijauan: ~ white, putih kehijauan; ~ yellow, (hijau) pucuk pisang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bamboo | n buluh, bambu: ~ fence, pagar buluh; ~ shoot, (pucuk) rebung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
asparagus | n 1. (plant ) pokok asparagus; 2. (shoot ) pucuk asparagus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impotence, impotency | n 1. state of being powerless, tdk /berdaya, berupaya/; 2. (of males) mati pucuk; (med) impoten. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fresh | is there any ~ news from the border?, ada berita baru dr sempadan?; the trees are putting out ~ shoots, pokok-pokok itu mengeluarkan pucuk baru; don’t sit on the bench; the paint is still ~, jangan duduk atas bangku itu; catnya masih basah; ~ from st, baru + approp v sst: the biscuits are ~ from the oven, biskut itu baru keluar dr ketuhar; a boy ~ from college, budak lelaki yg baru tamat universiti; 3. not worn by use, clean and bright, bersih: she put ~ sheets on the bed, dia membentangkan cadar bersih di atas katil itu; he put on a ~ shirt before going out, dia memakai kemeja bersih sebelum keluar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inroad | n incursion, serangan /mengejut, mendadak/; make ~s /into, on/, a. invade area held by enemy, menyerang [sst] secara /mengejut, mendadak/: to make ~s into enemy territory, menyerang kawasan musuh secara mengejut; b. invade new area held by competitor, menembusi: with the new man at the helm, the company is reportedly making ~s into the advertising industry, dgn pelantikan orang baru ke pucuk pimpinan, syarikat itu dilaporkan sedang menembusi industri pengiklanan; c. encroach on esp so as to consume, banyak menghabiskan [n]: the purchase of the house made ~s into his savings, pembelian rumah itu telah banyak menghabiskan wang simpanannya; a hobby that made ~s on his leisure time, kegemaran yg banyak menghabiskan masa lapangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impotent | adj 1. powerless, tdk mempunyai kuasa; (to do st) tdk /berupaya, berdaya/: a weak, ~ leader, pemimpin yg lemah dan tdk mempunyai kuasa; he stood rooted to the ground, ~ to help, dia berdiri terpaku, tdk berdaya menolong; 2. unable to engage in sexual intercourse, mati pucuk; (med) impoten. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
answer | vi 1. reply, menjawab; (by letter) menjawab, membalas: he ~ed without thinking, dia menjawab dgn tdk berfikir; she did not ~ well in the last examination, dia tdk menjawab dgn baik dlm peperiksaan yg lalu; although I have written him three letters he still hasn’t ~ed, walaupun saya telah menulis tiga pucuk surat dia masih belum membalas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |