government | n 1. the act of governing, rule, kerajaan: ~ of the people by the people for the people, kerajaan rakyat oleh rakyat utk rakyat; 2. system of ruling, sistem pemerintahan, kerajaan: a democratic ~, kerajaan demokratik; 3. ruling body, kerajaan: to form a new ~, membentuk kerajaan baru; the Malaysian ~, kerajaan Malaysia; 4. the state as well as its administration, kerajaan: he works for the G~, dia bekerja dgn kerajaan; a ~ agency, agensi kerajaan; ~ securities, sekuriti kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
folk | n 1. (US often ~s) people in general, orang: country ~, orang kampung; city ~, orang bandar; 2. (esp US), (always in pl), (family) keluarga; (parents) orang tua, ibu bapa: the ~s back home, keluarga di kampung; 3. (colloq), (as term of address) kawan-kawan, saudara saudari, pak cik mak cik, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan [as appropriate]; 4. (colloq) ~ music, muzik rakyat: he doesn’t like ~, dia tak suka muzik rakyat; ~ concert, konsert muzik rakyat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
citizen | n 1. national, warganegara, rakyat: an Indonesian ~, warganegara Indonesia; 2. inhabitant, penduduk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
country | adj 1. a. from the country, desa, kampung: a ~ girl, gadis desa; b. of, in the country, desa: a ~ house, rumah desa; ~ sports, sukan desa; ~ life, hidup di /kampung, desa/; 2. country and western, lagu rakyat Amerika: a ~ singer, penyanyi lagu rakyat Amerika; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Japanese | n 1. (by descent), (orang) Jepun; 2. ( by nationality) rakyat Jepun; 3. (language) bahasa Jepun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evolve | vi 1. (fml) develop naturally, berkembang: the folk literature that had ~d over the centuries, sastera rakyat yg telah berkembang dlm kurun-kurun itu; 2. (biol) berevolusi: the theory that man ~d from the apes has not been proved, teori bahawa manusia berevolusi drpd beruk tdk dapat dibuktikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bridge1 | n 1. structure a. (over river, canal, road, etc) jambatan; b. (over small stream, drain, etc) titi(an): a plank is used as a ~ over the stream, sekeping papan digunakan sbg titi utk menyeberangi anak sungai itu; 2. connecting agent, link, perantara, penghubung, jambatan: he served as a ~ between the government and the people, beliau merupakan penghubung antara kerajaan dgn rakyat; 3. bridge of the nose, batang hidung; 4. (of stringed instruments) kekuda: the ~ of a violin, kekuda biola; 5. (naut), /anjung-anjung, anjungan/ (kapal); 6. see BRIDGE PASSAGE; 7. (dentistry) jambatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diffuse | vt 1. spread out, a. (light) membaurkan; b. (fig.) menyebarkan: diffusing goodwill among the people, menyebarkan rasa muhibah di kalangan rakyat; 2. (liquids, gases) membaurkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ill | n 1. evil, sst yg buruk: if any ~ should befall him..., sekiranya sst yg buruk menimpanya...; I do not wish him ~, saya tdk meminta sst yg buruk berlaku kepadanya; 2. misfortune, difficulty, kecelakaan, bencana: the people blamed him for all the ~s that fell upon the country, rakyat menyalahkannya atas segala kecelakaan yg menimpa negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inert | adj 1. (phys) not having inherent power to move, lengai: ~ matter, jirim lengai; 2. not having strength to move, tdk bergerak-gerak: she lay ~ on the sofa, dia berbaring di sofa dan tdk bergerak-gerak; 3. (chem) unreactive, lengai: an ~ gas, gas lengai; 4. sluggish, lifeless, lengai: the people are politically uninterested and ~, dr segi politik, rakyat negeri itu tdk berminat dan lengai; an ~ relationship, perhubungan yg lengai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |