flake | ~ out, (colloq), (collapse) rebah; (faint) pengsan; (fall asleep) rebah terus tertidur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exhaustion | he collapsed from ~ after the race, dia rebah akibat keletihan selepas perlumbaan itu; 2. action of using up, menghabiskan: the ~ of the country’s resources, menghabiskan sumber-sumber negara itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | ~ so. out, (colloq), (usu pass.) sso /tumbang, rebah/: the blow laid him out, dia tumbang kena tumbuk; ~ st out, a. spread st out in order to be seen clearly, mempamerkan sst: the goods for sale were laid out on the counter, barang-barang utk dijual dipamerkan di atas kaunter; b. spread st out ready for use, meletakkan sst: the children’s clothes were laid out on the bed for them, pakaian budak-budak itu diletakkan di atas katil utk mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glaze | vi; ~ over, (of eyes) memandang kosong: his eyes ~d over and he fell back on the bed, matanya memandang kosong lalu dia rebah di atas katil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forward | 2. towards particular person or thing, ke arah [sso, sst]: when the old lady collapsed on the pavement, several people rushed ~ to help her, apabila wanita tua itu rebah di kaki lima, beberapa orang meluru ke arahnya utk membantu; 3. towards the future, ke /hadapan, depan/: if we look ~ we can envisage various changes in society, sekiranya kita memandang ke hadapan, kita dapat membayangkan pelbagai perubahan dlm masyarakat; 4. (indic progress) onward, ke /depan, hadapan/: an important step ~ for this university, langkah ke depan yg penting bagi universiti ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keel | vi & vt; ~ over, a. (of vessel) terbalik, terjungkir: the ship ~ed over in the strong wind, kapal itu terbalik dlm angin kencang itu; b. (of person) rebah, jatuh terbaring; ~ st over, menyebabkan sst | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crumple | vi often ~ up, 1. become creased or crushed up, ronyok, renyuk, berkedut; (of st made of metal) remuk: this material ~s easily, kain ini mudah ronyok; the wing ~d when the plane hit the tower, sayap kapal terbang itu remuk apabila terlanggar menara; 2. collapse, rebah: he ~d up suddenly under the strain, dia rebah dgn tiba-tiba krn terlalu penat; 3. lose strength to fight, give way, patah semangat; (of enemy forces, resistance, etc) tumpas: he ~d up on hearing the bad news, dia patah semangat apabila mendengar berita buruk itu; 4. (of face) berkerut-kerut: her face ~d up, and she began to cry, mukanya berkerut-kerut dan dia mula menangis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drop | vi 1. drip, menitik, menitis; 2. fall, a. (gen) jatuh: a flower-pot ~ped on his head, pasu bunga itu jatuh di atas kepalanya; b. (of leaves, fruits, bombs) gugur, jatuh: the leaves are beginning to ~, daun-daun mula gugur; 3. collapse, rebah: he will work till he ~s, dia akan bekerja sehingga dia rebah; 4. die, gugur: he saw his comrades ~ping all around him, dia melihat rakan-rakannya gugur di sekelilingnya; 5. decrease, fall, jatuh, turun: tin prices ~ped last year, harga bijih timah jatuh tahun lalu; 6. become softer, menjadi perlahan: his voice ~ped, suaranya menjadi perlahan; 7. abate, reda: the wind has ~ped, angin sudah reda; 8. cease, terputus: we’ve let the correspondence ~, kita telah membiarkan hubungan surat-menyurat terputus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drop | ~ anchor, melabuhkan sauh; ~ dead, (colloq) pergi mampus!; ~ a hint, membayangkan sst; ~ it, hentikan; ~ on o’s knee(s) melutut; ~ a /postcard, line/, mengirim /poskad, surat/; /fit, ready/ to ~, bagaikan hendak rebah; let a /matter, subject/ ~, jangan bincangkan lagi perkara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
founder2 | vi 1. (of ship) fill with water and sink, karam: the vessel ~ed in the heavy seas, kapal itu karam di laut yg bergelora; 2. fail, gagal; (of relationship) hancur: the project ~ed for lack of funds, projek itu gagal akibat kekurangan wang; it seemed the sexual chemistry ran out and the marriage ~ed after six years, nampaknya tarikan seks telah mati dan perkahwinan itu hancur selepas enam tahun; 3. (of horse) fall, rebah: his exhausted horse ~ed and threw him, kudanya yg letih itu rebah dan dia terpelanting. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |