handle | vt 1. touch, feel with the hands, memegang: you must ~ the glass ornaments with care, kamu mesti memegang perhiasan kaca itu dgn cermat; 2. operate with the hands, menggunakan: the recruits were taught how to ~ guns properly, rekrut-rekrut itu diajar bagaimana hendak menggunakan senapang dgn betul; 3. package, transport, etc, mengendalikan: timber is a difficult item to ~, kayu balak ialah bahan yg sukar utk dikendalikan; 4. treat, memperlakukan: the demonstrators were roughly ~d by the police, penunjuk-penunjuk perasaan itu telah diperlakukan dgn kasar oleh polis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intake | 2. persons taken in, (students) pelajar, penuntut; (soldier) rekrut; (trainee) pelatih; (worker) pekerja: the new ~ will be addressed by the C.O., rekrut baru itu akan diberi taklimat oleh Pegawai Pemerintah; 3. act of taking in, pengambilan; 4. opening through which air, gas, etc enters a tube, pipe, tempat masuk: air ~s, tempat masuk udara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instruct | vt 1. teach, mengajar: he had a tutor to ~ him in mathematics, dia diajar matematik oleh seorang tutor; to ~ new recruits, mengajar rekrut baru; 2. direct, order, menyuruh; (formally, officially) mengarahkan: “now, lift your right hand,” he ~ed her, “sekarang, angkat tangan kananmu,” dia menyuruh wanita itu; I’ve been ~ed to wait here with you, saya diarahkan supaya tunggu di sini bersama-sama puan; 3. inform officially, memberitahu, memaklumi: the judge ~s the jury as to the points of law, hakim memberitahu juri ttg perkara-perkara yg bersangkut dgn undang-undang; 4. (leg.) employ (solicitor) melantik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hoop | go through the ~(s), (colloq) menempuh dugaan: a man who has been through the ~s but manages to remain cheerful, orang yg telah banyak menempuh dugaan tetapi tetap riang; put so. through the ~(s), menduga [sso] dgn teruk: as a recruit I was put through the ~s by the officers, sbg rekrut, saya telah diduga dgn teruk oleh para pegawai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
batch | n 1. set, amount of, a. (usu of similar things) kumpulan: buns which are baked in ~es of fifty, ban yg dibakar dlm kumpulan lima puluh biji; a ~ of letters from the head office, sekumpulan surat dr ibu pejabat; b. (of persons) kumpulan, kelompok: a ~ of new recruits, kumpulan rekrut baru; 2. cakes, loaves, etc, produced at one baking, kumpulan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |