Maklumat Kata

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rosak (adjektif)
1. Bersinonim dengan binasa: musnah, punah, ranap, jahanam, hancur, hancai, lingkup, hapus, tengkarap, terban,

2. Bersinonim dengan buruk: busuk, cacat, cedera, usang, lapuk, reput, lama, tua,
Berantonim dengan elok

Kata Terbitan : merosakkan, kerosakan, perosak,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

defectiveadj 1. (in function) a. (gen) rosak sedikit: a ~ electric kettle, cerek elektrik yg rosak sedikit; a ~ engine, enjin yg rosak sedikit; b. (of eyesight, hearing) rosak; c. (of memory) lemah; 2. (in appearance, form, structure) cacat: the ~ copies of a book, naskah-naskah buku yg rosak; the new transistor radio is ~, radio transistor yg baru itu rosak; 3. (of person) cacat: mentally ~, cacat mental;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
depravedadj 1. (of person) rosak /akhlak moral/, keji, hina: a cruel and ~ man, orang yg kejam dan rosak akhlak; /lead, live/ a ~ life, hidup tdk bermaruah; 2. (of character, behaviour, mind, etc) rosak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
corruptibilityn 1. capability of being depraved, mudah rosak akhlak: the ~ of human nature, fitrah manusia yg mudah rosak akhlak; 2. susceptibility to bribery, mudah /diberi rasuah, disuap, disogok/; 3. susceptibility to rot, mudah menjadi busuk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
incorruptibleadj 1. incapable of being bribed, tdk /makan suap, dapat disuap/, amanah; 2. indestructible, tdk akan rosak: diamonds are ~, berlian tdk akan akan rosak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
broken-downadj 1. in a state of decay, ruined, usang: a ~ barn, bangsal usang; 2. not in working order, rosak: a ~ car, kereta rosak; 3. infirm, physically exhausted, letih, lesu, litak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jam1vi 1. a. become tightly wedged, tersepit, terjepit: the canoe ~med in the rocky rapids, kanu itu tersepit di jeram yg berbatu; b. become blocked, tersekat: a ship ~ med in the ice-bound port, sebuah kapal tersekat di pelabuhan yg penuh dgn ais itu; 2. become unworkable, tdk dapat + approp v, rosak; (of drawer) tersekat, tdk dapat ditarik keluar: the brakes suddenly ~med, brek kereta saya tiba-tiba rosak; the door has ~med and we need to get it repaired, pintu itu tdk dapat dibuka dan kita perlu membaikinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
corruptvi 1. become depraved, menjadi rosak; 2. become rotten, menjadi busuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
corruptibleadj 1. capable of being depraved, mudah rosak akhlak; 2. susceptible to bribery, mudah /diberi rasuah, disuap, disogok/; 3. susceptible to rot, mudah busuk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
failvi 1. be unsuccessful, gagal, tdk berjaya; (in examination etc) tdk lulus, gagal, terkandas: the negotiations ~ed, rundingan itu gagal; the visit ~ed in its purpose, lawatan itu gagal mencapai tujuannya; he ~ed in his duty, dia gagal menjalankan tugasnya; 2. stop functioning or working properly, a. (of mechanical device) rosak: the steering suddenly ~ed, stering tiba-tiba rosak; b. (of brakes, clutch) tdk makan; c. (of heart) berhenti berdenyut; d. (of engine) mati; 3. lose power or strength, weaken, (menjadi) lemah; (of health) merosot; (of eyesight) menjadi kabur: the old man’s memory is ~ing, daya ingatan orang tua itu semakin lemah; her strength was beginning to ~ , dia mula menjadi lemah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
infectedadj 1. not able to heal because of germs, dijangkiti kuman; (of tooth) rosak: the wound has become ~, luka itu dijangkiti kuman; 2. contaminated, dicemari kuman: ~ water, air yg dicemari kuman;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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