blast | n 1. strong gust (of wind) tiupan kencang: a ~ of hot air from the furnace, tiupan kencang udara panas dr relau; 2. forcible jet or stream of air, gas, etc, semburan; 3. loud sound, a. (of car horn, radio, etc) berbunyi bising: the radio let out an awful ~, radio itu berbunyi bising; /blow, sound/ a ~ on st, /meniup, membunyikan/ sst dgn bisingnya; b. (of wind instrument), (bunyi) tiupan; 4. explosion, letupan: many were injured by the ~, banyak yg cedera akibat letupan itu; 5. (colloq) severe reprimand, kecaman, bidasan: his ~ against corruption went unnoticed, kecamannya thdp rasuah tdk diambil peduli; 6. (disease), penyakit blasta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |