corresponding | adj 1. matching, sepadan: rights carry with them ~ responsibilities, hak mendukung tanggungjawab yg sepadan; ~ angles, sudut sepadan; the ~ sides of a triangle, sisi sepadan pd segi tiga; 2. equivalent, similar, sama: his pay is lower than that of so. in a ~ position, gajinya lebih rendah drpd gaji seorang yg menyandang jawatan yg sama; profits have increased compared with the ~ period last year, keuntungan telah meningkat berbanding dgn tempoh yg sama tahun lalu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
congruent | adj 1. appropriate, sesuai, sepadan: your behaviour is not ~ with your social rank, kelakuan kamu tdk sepadan dgn taraf sosial kamu; 2. (math) kongruen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commensurate | adj (fml) proportionate, setara, sepadan: the pay is not ~ with the responsibility involved, gajinya tdk setara dgn tanggungjawab yg dipikul; the job is ~ with his ability, pekerjaan itu sepadan dgn kebolehannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | 4. (match) kena dgn; (suitable for), /sesuai, sepadan, secocok/ dgn; (of punishment, reward, etc) setimpal: his behaviour does not ~ his position, kelakuannya tdk sesuai dgn kedudukannya; the words ~ the music, kata-kata itu sepadan dgn muzik; to make the punishment ~ the crime, menjadikan hukuman setimpal dgn jenayah; 5. make suitable for, adapt, memadankan, menyesuaikan: he does not attempt to ~ his expenditure to his income, dia tdk mencuba memadankan perbelanjaannya dgn pendapatannya; he cut the wood to ~ the hole, dia memotong kayu itu utk memadankannya dgn lubang tersebut; 6. make competent, membuat [sso] sesuai: his long experience will ~ him for this difficult job, pengalamannya yg lama akan membuatnya sesuai utk tugas yg susah ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appropriate | adj suitable, fitting, a. (gen) sesuai: a speech ~ to the occasion, ucapan yg sesuai utk majlis itu; such a remark is scarcely ~ in the present circumstances, kata-kata spt itu tdk sesuai dlm keadaan sekarang ini; clothes ~ to the climate, pakaian yg sesuai dgn iklim; b. (of action, measure, step, etc) sesuai, sewajarnya, wajar: to take ~ action, mengambil tindakan yg sewajarnya; c. (of remuneration) sesuai, sepadan, berpadanan, berpatutan: a salary ~ to an office, gaji yg berpadanan dgn jawatan; d. (of punishment, retribution, etc) sesuai, sewajarnya, wajar: to choose an ~ punishment for the offence, memilih hukuman yg sesuai bagi kesalahan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |