detachable | adj pasang tanggal: ~ collar, kolar pasang tanggal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brush1 | ~ off, tanggal (apabila diberus): the stain won’t ~ off, kesan kotor ini tdk mahu tanggal; ~ so. off, a. reject so., menolak + approp n: I’ve asked her out several times but each time she ~es me off, sudah beberapa kali saya mengajak dia keluar tetapi setiap kali dia menolak ajakan saya; b. end a relationship with so., meninggalkan sso: I heard on the grape-vine that Adnan’s girlfriend had ~ed him off, saya mendengar khabar angin bahawa teman wanita Adnan telah meninggalkannya; c. avoid meeting or forming a relationship with so., tdk mengendahkan sso: he tried to befriend them but they ~ed him off, dia mencuba berkenalan dgn mereka tetapi mereka tdk mengendahkannya; ~ st off, menyapu sst dr; (by a flicking movement) mengibas sst dr: to ~ breadcrumbs off the table, menyapu serdak roti dr meja; the horse ~ed off the fly with its tail, kuda itu mengibas lalat dr badannya dgn ekornya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
date1 | n 1. specified day of month, hari bulan, tarikh, tanggal: today’s ~ is the 16th of February, hari ini 16 hari bulan Februari or hari ini tanggal 16 Februari; 2. specific day, year of event, tarikh: the ~ of the Portuguese attack on Malacca, tarikh Feringgi menyerang Melaka; the ~ for the elections has been fixed, tarikh pilihan raya itu telah ditetapkan; ~ of birth, tarikh lahir; 3. statement or inscription in, on letter, book, coin, etc, tarikh, hari bulan, tanggal, [usu tarikh]: to insert a ~, membubuh tarikh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dismast | vt (act. ) menanggalkan tiang layar; (pass.) tiang layar [ n ] tanggal: the ship was ~ed in the storm, tiang layar kapal itu tanggal dlm ribut taufan | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
day | n 1. period of twenty-four hours as unit of time, hari; (in reference to date) hari bulan, tanggal, tarikh: solar ~, hari suria; sidereal ~, hari /siderius, ikut bintang/; three ~s before the competition..., tiga hari sebelum pertandingan itu...; on the following ~..., pd hari berikutnya...; twice a ~, dua kali sehari; what ~ of the month is it?, hari ini berapa hari bulan? or pd tanggal berapa hari ini?; on the second ~ of May, pd dua hari bulan Mei or pd tanggal dua Mei; 2. interval of light between dawn and night, hari, [sometimes waktu siang, siang hari]; (in reference to the weather of a particular day) hari /ini, itu/: they’ve been working all ~, mereka telah bekerja sepanjang hari; one autumn ~, pd suatu hari dlm musim luruh; she cried all ~, dia menangis sepanjang hari; I find it hard to sleep during the ~, saya berasa sukar hendak tidur pd waktu siang; it’s a fine ~, cuaca baik hari ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
detachability | n boleh tanggal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antedate | n /tarikh, tanggal/ yg lebih awal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antedate | vt 1. date back, mengawalkan /tarikh, tanggal/: to ~ a letter, mengawalkan tarikh surat; 2. precede, approp v + sebelum; (of death, marriage, etc) sebelum: the Peruvian Empire ~s that of Mexico, empayar Peru wujud sebelum empayar Mexico; an event that ~s the bombing of Hiroshima, suatu peristiwa yg berlaku sebelum pengeboman Hiroshima; his death ~d his father’s by two years, dia meninggal dua tahun sebelum bapanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ out, a. move outside, keluar: he came out of the room with a file under his arm, dia keluar dr bilik itu sambil mengepit fail; b. be removed, tanggal, hilang; (of colour) turun: the coffee stain will ~ out quite easily, kesan kopi itu akan tanggal dgn mudah; the colour came out when I washed the material, warna kain itu turun semasa saya membasuhnya; c. be freed (from gaol etc) keluar: he will be coming out of prison soon, dia akan keluar dr penjara tdk lama lagi; d. appear (of sun) keluar, muncul; e. flower, berbunga; f. bloom, berkembang, mekar: the roses are all coming out, bunga-bunga mawar sedang berkembang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
date1 | vt 1. mark (letter, coin, etc) with date, membubuh /tarikh, hari bulan, tanggal/ pd, mentarikhkan: to ~ a letter, mentarikhkan surat; 2. assign date to, menentukan tarikh + approp n , menentukan tarikh [n] + approp v: he found it difficult to ~ the documents, dia mendapati sukar utk menentukan tarikh dokumen-dokumen itu or dia mendapati sukar utk menentukan tarikh bila dokumen itu ditulis; 3. reveal the age of, menunjukkan /umur, usia/: her hair-style ~s her, fesyen rambutnya menunjukkan umurnya; 4. (US), (colloq) make social engagement with, keluar dgn: he used to ~ my younger sister, dia pernah keluar dgn adik perempuan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |