hand-picked | adj 1. selected with care, dipilih dgn teliti: ~ candidates, calon yg dipilih dgn teliti; 2. personally selected, dipilih sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elaborate | adj 1. meticulously worked out, (approp v + dgn) teliti: an ~ plan for the wedding, rancangan yg diatur dgn teliti utk majlis perkahwinan itu; 2. intricate, kompleks, rumit: during the war he set up an ~ network of spies and informers, semasa perang, dia menubuhkan rangkaian pengintip rahsia dan pemberi maklumat yg rumit; 3. detailed, terperinci: an ~ description of the barnacle’s life cycle, suatu huraian yg terperinci ttg edaran hidup teritip; 4. extensive, prolix, panjang lebar: the book gives an ~ account of the writer’s youth, buku itu menceritakan kisah yg panjang lebar ttg masa muda pengarang;5. ornate beradun, berhias; (of writing) berbunga-bunga: an ~ 19th century bed, sebuah katil abad ke-19 yg beradun;pages and pages of ~ verse, berhalaman-halaman sajak yg berbunga-bunga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assiduous | adj 1. diligent, persevering, tekun, rajin: an ~ student, pelajar yg tekun; 2. undertaken with careful attention, teliti: ~ editing, pengeditan yg teliti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exploration | n act of, a. (travelling into or through a place) penjelajahan: space ~, penjelajahan angkasa lepas; b. (examining carefully) pemeriksaan teliti: the ~ of the problem of overpopulation, pemeriksaan teliti masalah penduduk yg berlebihan; c. (searching an area for mineral etc) penjelajahan; oil ~, cari gali minyak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
careful | adj 1. cautious, heedful, hati-hati, cermat: a ~ driver, pemandu yg hati-hati; be ~, berhati-hati; 2. thorough, teliti: a ~ study, suatu kajian yg teliti; 3. frugal, cermat, jimat, hemat: he is ~ with his money, dia cermat dgn wangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diligent | adj rajin, tekun; (of research etc) teliti: he is ~ but lacks ideas, dia rajin tetapi tdk mempunyai idea. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand-pick | vt 1. select with care, memilih dgn teliti; 2. select personally, memilih sendiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine-tooth(ed) comb | n sikat bergigi rapat; go /over, through / st with a ~, memeriksa sst dgn teliti, meneliti sst. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
explore | vt 1. travel into or through (a country etc) menjelajahi: they set out to ~ the jungles of Borneo, mereka pergi menjelajahi hutan Borneo; 2. examine carefully, memeriksa dgn teliti: they have ~d all possibilities of reconciliation, mereka telah memeriksa dgn teliti segala kemungkinan utk berdamai; 3. search (an area for oil, mineral, etc) menjelajahi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissect | vt 1. membedah: to ~ a frog, membedah katak; 2. (fig.) menganalisis, mengkaji dgn teliti: to ~ a theory, menganalisis sst teori; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |