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tepat (adjektif)
Bersinonim dengan betul, benar, sah, sahih, jitu, positif, tidak salah;,
Kata Terbitan : bertepatan, menepati, ketepatan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

exactlyadv 1. with complete correctness, dgn tepat; (ref to time or period of time) tepat, betul-betul; (used with “what”, “where”, “who”, etc) sebenarnya: he copied it ~, dia menirunya dgn tepat; it is ~ three minutes past two, waktu sekarang tepat pukul dua tiga minit; who ~ is he?, siapakah dia sebenarnya?; what ~ did you come to see me about?, apakah sebenarnya sebab kamu datang berjumpa dgn saya?; 2. just, betul-betul, benar-benar: the imitation looks ~ like the original, yg tiruan nampak betul-betul spt yg asal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
exactadj 1. (accurate, as opposed to approximate) tepat; (actual) sebenar: I must have your ~ measurements, saya mesti mendapat ukuran tepat badan kamu; he searched his mind for the ~ word to express his feelings, dia mencari-cari dlm fikirannya kata yg tepat utk menggambarkan perasaannya; he was unable to tell me the ~ time he left his office, dia tdk dapat memberitahu saya waktu yg tepat dia meninggalkan pejabatnya; the ~ sum is $53.28, jumlah yg tepat ialah $53.28; what is the ~ size of the building?, apakah saiz sebenar bangunan itu?; those were her ~ words, itulah kata-katanya yg sebenar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
facsimilen 1. exact copy, salinan tepat: ~ edition, terbitan salinan tepat; reproduce st in ~, membuat salinan tepat sst; 2. transmission and reproduction of material by radio, faksimile.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inaccuracyn 1. quality of being inaccurate, ketidaktepatan, tdk tepat: the ~ of the measurements, ketidaktepatan ukuran itu; 2. st inaccurate, approp n + tdk tepat: the statement is full of obvious inaccuracies, kenyataan itu penuh dgn fakta-fakta yg tdk tepat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
correctadj 1. accurate, without mistakes, betul, tepat: the ~ answer, jawapan yg tepat; her predictions proved ~, telahannya terbukti betul; 2. according to established procedure, betul: the ~ way to plane a piece of wood, cara yg betul mengetam sekeping papan; 3. according to accepted standards of morals, behaviour, etc, a. (of person, behaviour, conduct, etc) bersopan, beradab: her conduct has always been ~, tingkah lakunya sentiasa bersopan: a very ~ young man, anak muda yg sungguh beradab; b. (of dress) sesuai, cocok; /do, say/ the ~ thing, /membuat, mengatakan/ yg sewajarnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fair1adv 1. see FAIRLY (sense 1.); 2. see FAIRLY (sense 3.); 3. exactly,tepat: hit him ~ on the chin, saya menumbuknya tepat di dagu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fair1~ and square, a. in honest or just way, dgn cara yg betul; b. exactly, tepat: he was hit ~ and square on the jaw, dia dipukul tepat di rahangnya; ~ enough, (colloq) betullah tu; ~ - to-middling, (colloq) boleh tahan; by ~ means or foul, dgn apa cara sekalipun;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flat1adv 1. parallel to and touching a surface, [various translations]: I had to press myself ~ against the fence to let the car pass, saya terpaksa melekapkan badan saya ke pagar supaya kereta itu dapat lalu; after the party we found him lying ~ on his back on the bathroom floor, selepas majlis itu, kami mendapati dia berbaring terlentang di lantai bilik air; 2. completely, betul-betul: I am ~ broke, saya betul-betul pokai; 3. below the proper pitch, dgn nada flet: she often sings ~, dia sering menyanyi dgn nada flet; 4. definitely, terus terang: she told me ~ that..., dia terus terang memberitahu saya bahawa...; 5. exactly, tepat, genap: he completed the journey in 22 hours ~, dia menamatkan perjalanan itu tepat 22 jam or dlm 22 jam tepat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
deadadv 1. very, sungguh, sangat, amat: the road is ~ straight, jalan itu sangat lurus; a ~ easy paper, kertas peperiksaan yg sungguh mudah; ~ tired, sungguh penat; 2. right, tepat, betul-betul: the train arrived ~ on time, kereta api sampai tepat pd waktunya; there is a reef ~ ahead, terdapat terumbu tepat di hadapan; 3. absolutely, betul-betul: I’m ~ broke, saya betul-betul pokai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
choiceadj 1. fine, of high quality, pilihan: a ~ cut of meat, potongan daging pilihan; 2. well chosen, tepat: an insult delivered in a few ~ words, celaan yg dilemparkan dgn kata-kata yg tepat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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