indiscreet | adj (of person) kurang /hemat, hati-hati/, tdk bijaksana; (of behaviour) tdk bijaksana; (of remark, comment, etc), (dibuat secara) tdk hati-hati; (of affair) terang-terangan: I have never known her to be ~, setahu saya dia tdk berlaku kurang hemat; he made a number of ~ remarks about the incident, dia membuat beberapa komen yg tdk hati-hati ttg peristiwa tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freely | 4. openly, (dgn) terus-terang: he spoke quite ~ in front of me, dia bercakap terus-terang di depan saya; 5. readily, dgn mudah: this book can be ~ obtained from any good bookshop, buku ini dapat diperoleh dgn mudah dr sebarang kedai buku yg baik; 6. willingly, dgn rela (hati): she ~ gave her own share to the children, dgn rela hati dia memberikan bahagiannya sendiri kpd budak-budak itu; 7. generously, dgn murah hati: he gives ~ to the orphanage, dia menyumbang dgn murah hati kpd rumah anak yatim. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attract | vt 1. draw to os, itself, a. (person) menarik (hati), tertarik; (purposely) memikat (hati): she ~s men easily, lelaki mudah tertarik kepadanya; bright colours ~ babies, bayi tertarik kpd warna-warna terang; b. (physical things) menarik, tertarik: a magnet ~s iron, magnet menarik besi; the scent of flowers ~s bees, lebah tertarik oleh bau bunga; c. (attention, notice, etc) menarik: he whistled to ~ attention, dia bersiul utk menarik perhatian; 2. arouse interest of, menarik, tertarik: the proposal did not ~ him, dia tdk tertarik dgn tawaran itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bone | cut st to the ~, (salary, expenses, etc) memotong sst habis-habisan; /feel st, have a feeling/ in o’s ~s, terasa sst /di hati, dlm diri/ sso: I’ve a feeling in my ~ that something is going to happen, terasa di hatiku bahawa sst akan berlaku; have a ~ to pick with so., ada yg hendak diselesaikan dgn sso; make no ~s about st, a. be honest, berterus terang ttg sst; b. not hesitate, tdk /ragu-ragu, teragak-agak/ [v]; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |