distinction | 3. eminence, excellence, approp n + unggul: he had the ~ of being the first man who landed on the moon, dia seorang yg unggul krn menjadi orang yg pertama menjejakkan kaki di bulan; of ~, unggul: a leader of ~, seorang pemimpin yg unggul; a novel of ~, sebuah novel yg unggul; with ~, dgn cemerlang: to serve with ~ in the army, berkhidmat dgn cemerlang dlm tentera; 4. mark of honour, penghormatan: the king granted him the ~ he deserved, raja menganugerahinya penghormatan yg patut diterimanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distinguished | adj 1. characterized by excellence, eminence, unggul; (of career, performance, etc) cemerlang: a ~ scholar, sarjana yg unggul; a ~ writer, seorang penulis yg unggul; a ~ career in medicine, kerjaya yg cemerlang dlm bidang perubatan; 2. dignified, bertokoh: a ~ appearance, perawakan yg bertokoh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
epitome | n typical example, contoh unggul: she is the ~ of a good wife, dia contoh unggul isteri yg baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ideal gas | n gas unggul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
epitomize | vt represent, typify, merupakan contoh (unggul): he ~s a dutiful son, dia merupakan contoh anak yg bertanggungjawab. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
great | 3. remarkable, outstanding, agung, ulung, unggul; (included in names of historically important persons) Agung: a ~ work in Malay literature, karya sastera Melayu yg agung; a ~ leader, pemimpin yg ulung; a ~ composer, penggubah lagu yg agung; a ~ statesman, negarawan yg ulung; Michelangelo was a ~ sculptor, Michelangelo ahli seni pahat yg agung; Alexander the G~, Iskandar Agung; 5. important, significant, penting: one of the ~ events of modern history, salah satu peristiwa penting dlm sejarah moden; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ideal | adj 1. conceived as perfect, unggul, ideal: in an ~ society, poverty would not exist, dlm masyarakat yg ideal, kemiskinan tdk akan wujud; 2. excellent, paling /baik, sesuai/: the ~ spot for a picnic, tempat yg paling sesuai utk berkelah; ~ weather for a holiday, cuaca yg paling baik utk bercuti; 3. highly desirable, (menjadi) /impian, idaman/: the ~ husband, suami idaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eminent | adj 1. distinguished, terkemuka, terbilang, unggul: he is an ~ surgeon, dia doktor bedah yg terkemuka; 2. (of qualities) outstanding, sangat [+ approp adj]: a man of ~ ability, orang yg sangat mahir; they were a family of ~ respectability, mereka ialah keluarga yg sangat dihormati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eminence | n 1. position of superiority, (kedudukan yg) /terkemuka, terbilang, unggul/: he is a man of some ~ in the political sphere, dia orang yg mempunyai kedudukan yg terkemuka dlm bidang politik; he has now reached a position of ~, sekarang dia telah mencapai kedudukan yg terkemuka; 2. piece of rising ground, tempat yg tinggi: the fort stood on an ~, kota itu terletak di tempat yg tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creation | n 1. act of, a. (bringing into existence) penciptaan: the ~ of heaven and earth, penciptaan langit dan bumi; the ~ of a great picture, penciptaan sebuah lukisan yg unggul; b. (setting up, bringing forth) pewujudan, mewujudkan; (department, organization, etc) penubuhan, pewujudan: they decided on the ~ of three new posts, mereka memutuskan utk mewujudkan tiga jawatan baru; c. (causing, bringing about) menimbulkan; d. (investing with rank) pelantikan; 2. result of creative process, ciptaan: the latest ~s from Tokyo, ciptaan terbaru dr Tokyo; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |