Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

mournfulorang yg menghadiri pengebumian itu berdiri di keliling pusara sambil bertafakur; the chief ~s followed the coffin into the cemetery, keluarga terdekat yg menghadiri pengebumian itu mengiringi jenazah hingga ke tanah perkuburan; 2. personKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
strict3. complete, absolute, benar-benar, betul-betul: this matter must remain a ~ secret, perkara ini mestilah betul-betul terus menjadi rahsia; the old man lives in ~ seclusion, seeing no one but his immediate family, orang tua itu benar-benar hidup bersendirian dgn tdk berjumpa dgn sesiapa pun tetapi hanya keluarga terdekat saja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
immediatethere seems to be no ~ connection between the two events, nampaknya tdk ada kaitan langsung antara kedua-dua peristiwa itu; 3. nearest (in time, space, relationship), [no specif translation]; (of family) terdekat: in the ~ future, tdk lama lagi; my ~ neighbour, jiran saya yg terdekat; there is no school in the ~ neighbourhood, tiada sekolah yg berhampiran; my ~ family consists of my mother and sister, keluarga terdekat saya terdiri drpd ibu dan kakak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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