aglow | adj 1. (kelihatan) bercahaya, bersinar-sinar: the mountain peaks were ~ in the sunset, puncak-puncak gunung itu (kelihatan) bercahaya pd waktu senja; ~ with colour, berseri dgn pelbagai warna; ~ with light, berseri disinari cahaya; set st ~, membuat sst /bercahaya, bersinar, berseri-seri/; 2. (fig.) berseri-seri: ~ with delight, berseri-seri kegembiraan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
radiant | adj 1. emitting rays of light, bersinar(-sinar): the ~ sun, matahari yg bersinar; 2. showing happiness, health, etc, berseri(-seri): her face ~ with smiles, wajahnya berseri dgn senyuman; the bride looked ~, pengantin perempuan itu kelihatan berseri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
light 1 | ~ up, (of face), (menjadi) berseri; (of eyes) bercahaya: his face lit up with joy, wajahnya berseri kegembiraan; ~ st up, a. (colloq) cause st to burn, /menyalakan, mencucuh/ sst: he lit up his pipe, dia menyalakan api paipnya; b. illuminate st, menerangi sst: hundreds of candle lit up the church, beratus-ratus lilin menerangi gereja itu; c. cause (so’s face etc) to be animated, menyerikan sst: a smile lit up his stern face, sebuah senyuman menyerikan wajahnya yg serius; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
light 1 | ~ up, (of face), (menjadi) berseri; (of eyes) bercahaya: his face lit up with joy, wajahnya berseri kegembiraan; ~ st up, a. (colloq) cause st to burn, /menyalakan, mencucuh/ sst: he lit up his pipe, dia menyalakan api paipnya; b. illuminate st, menerangi sst: hundreds of candle lit up the church, beratus-ratus lilin menerangi gereja itu; c. cause (so’s face etc) to be animated, menyerikan sst: a smile lit up his stern face, sebuah senyuman menyerikan wajahnya yg serius; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blooming | adj 1. flowering, sedang berbunga: ~ angsanas, pokok-pokok sena yg sedang berbunga; 2. glowing, berseri: she was ~ and looking pretty, wajahnya berseri dan kelihatan cantik; 3. flourishing, sedang berkembang: a ~ area of research, bidang kajian yg sedang berkembang; 4. (sl) bloody, [not translated]: a ~ idiot, si bodoh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beam | vi 1. shine, memancar, bersinar, menyorot: the sun ~s overhead, matahari memancar tegak di atas kepala; 2. smile radiantly, tersenyum berseri-seri: he ~ed with satisfaction, dia tersenyum berseri-seri krn puas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
radiance | n 1. vivid light, sinar(an): the ~ of the morning sun, sinar mentari pagi; 2. quality of being happy, healthy, etc, berseri-seri: the ~ of her smile, senyumannya yg berseri-seri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brighten | vi 1. become bright, /(se)makin, menjadi/ cerah: during the afternoon the weather ~ed, pd waktu tengah hari cuaca menjadi cerah; 2. become more lively, cheerful, a. (of person, person’s face) menjadi berseri: her face ~ed when Ali came in, mukanya menjadi berseri apabila Ali masuk; b. (of eyes) bersinar, bercahaya; 3. become more auspicious, menjadi (se)makin cerah: his prospects are ~ing, peluangnya menjadi semakin cerah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
animated | adj 1. lively, vivacious, hidup, rancak; (of face) berseri-seri; (of person) girang: an ~ debate, perdebatan yg rancak; she was intensely ~, dia amat girang; 2. (cinemat) animasi: ~ cartoons, kartun animasi; ~ pictures, gambar-gambar animasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gay | adj 1. light-hearted, merry, riang, girang: from the classroom we could hear the ~ laughter of children at play, dr bilik darjah kami dapat mendengar ketawa riang kanak-kanak yg sedang bermain; she seemed to be in a ~ mood, dia nampaknya riang; 2. a. bright and attractive, berseri-seri; (of colour) cemerlang: the room looked ~ after we had decorated it with flowers, bilik itu kelihatan berseri-seri setelah kami menghiasnya dgn bunga; she likes to wear ~ colours, dia suka memakai baju yg berwarna cemerlang; b. full of life, meriah: it’s a very ~ place during the festival, suasana tempat itu sangat meriah semasa pesta itu; 3. homosexual, homoseksual: ~ clubs, kelab-kelab homoseksual; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |