leader | 4. head, ketua: the ~ of the cultural exchange group, ketua rombongan pertukaran budaya; the ~s of the riot were arrested, ketua-ketua perusuh telah ditahan; 5. (animal) ketua: the ~ of the monkey band was older and bigger than the rest, ketua kumpulan monyet itu lebih tua dan lebih besar drpd yg lain; 6. (journ) lidah pengarang; 7. ( US ) conductor of orchestra, pemimpin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leader | 4. head, ketua: the ~ of the cultural exchange group, ketua rombongan pertukaran budaya; the ~s of the riot were arrested, ketua-ketua perusuh telah ditahan; 5. (animal) ketua: the ~ of the monkey band was older and bigger than the rest, ketua kumpulan monyet itu lebih tua dan lebih besar drpd yg lain; 6. (journ) lidah pengarang; 7. ( US ) conductor of orchestra, pemimpin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
parley | the union leaders held a ~ with the manager, ketua-ketua kesatuan sekerja mengadakan rundingan dgn pengurus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
counterblast | n reaksi agresif: the announcement drew a ~ from union leaders, pengumuman itu mendapat reaksi agresif dr ketua-ketua kesatuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | do so. ~, a. pay homage to so., memberi penghormatan kpd sso: heads of state attended the emperor’s funeral to do him ~, ketua-ketua negara menghadiri upacara pengebumian maharaja sbg penghormatan kpd baginda; b. cause others to respect so., menyebabkan sso /dihormati, dipandang mulia/; do so. the ~ of, sudi; (of royalty) berkenan bercemar duli; (in request) sudikah: she did us the ~ of attending the show’s opening night, dia telah sudi menghadiri malam pembukaan pertunjukan itu; will you do me the ~ of dancing with me?, sudikah puan menari dgn saya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chief | adj 1. head, ketua: ~ accountant, ketua akauntan; ~ editor, ketua editor; ~ clerk, kerani /kanan, besar/; 2. main, utama: his ~ supporters, penyokong-penyokong utamanya; ~ port, pelabuhan utama; the ~ cause of the government’s downfall, sebab utama kerajaan itu jatuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
surrender | 3. act of giving up st of value, penyerahan: the King demanded the ~ of all property owned by the leaders of the rebellion, Raja itu menuntut penyerahan semua harta kepunyaan ketua-ketua pemberontakan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | 7. obverse side, kepala: everytime he spun the coin it came up ~s, setiap kali dia memusingkan duit syiling itu kepala yg naik; ~s or tails?, kepala atau bunga?; 8. pus-filled part, mata, punat: the ~ of a boil, punat bisul; 9. froth on liquid, buih, busa; (of milk) kepala; 10. (of tape recorder etc) kepala; 11. (of water) turus; 12. chief, leader, ketua: the ~ of the family, ketua keluarga; ~s of state, ketua-ketua negara; ~s of government, ketua-ketua kerajaan; the ~ gardener, ketua tukang kebun; 13. each, seorang, sekepala: eight dollars a ~ for the meal, lapan ringgit seorang utk hidangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exchange | vt 1. give (st) and receive (st) in return, (letters, presents, etc) berbalas-balas, bertukar-tukar; (addresses , business cards, photographs, etc) bertukar-tukar; (views, ideas, etc) bertukar-tukar: the heads of state ~d gifts, ketua-ketua negara itu bertukar-tukar hadiah; ~ blows, bertumbuk(-tumbukan), berbalas-balas tumbukan; ~ glances, saling pandang-memandang, berbalas pandangan; ~ greetings, bertegur-sapa, saling sapa-menyapa, berbalas-balas sapaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
paramount | ~ chief, ketua agung: he became P~ Chief of the Zulu nation, dia menjadi Ketua Agung negara Zulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |