fresh | adj 1. (of flowers and food) segar, baru: is that meat ~ or frozen?, adakah daging itu segar atau sejuk beku?; I prefer ~ vegetables to dried ones, saya lebih menggemari sayur segar drpd sayur kering; ~ bread, roti baru; ~ eggs, telur segar; the flowers do not look ~ at all, bunga itu tdk langsung kelihatan segar; ~ guavas, jambu batu baru; ~ milk, susu segar; 2. recently created, arrived, found, happened, produced, etc, baru; (of paint etc) basah, belum kering: a ~ outlook, pandangan baru; in the light of this ~ evidence..., kerana ada bukti baru ini...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sweet | 4. fresh, pure and clean, (of water) bersih; (of air) segar, nyaman, bersih; (of breath) berbau segar; (of milk) segar: a constant supply of ~ water from the spring, bekalan air bersih yg tetap dr mata air itu; the ~ mountain air is so refreshing, udara nyaman di pergunungan sungguh menyegarkan; the toothpaste whitens the teeth and keeps the breath ~, ubat gigi itu memutihkan gigi dan membuat nafas berbau segar; ~ milk, susu segar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fresh | 9. (of air) pure, untainted, segar, bersih: after the rain, the air in the garden was cool and ~, selepas hujan, udara di taman itu bersih; in the ~ air, di luar: food tastes better in the ~ air, makanan lebih sedap rasanya dimakan di luar; 10. not tired or faded, refreshed, segar: he felt quite ~ after the exercise, dia berasa cukup segar selepas bersenam; the grass looked ~ after the rain, rumput kelihatan segar selepas hujan; the memory of the celebrations were still ~ in my mind, kenangan semasa perayaan itu masih segar dlm ingatan; 11. (of colour) segar; 12. (of complexion) healthy, youthful, segar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bouncing | adj segar-bugar: a ~ baby, seorang bayi yg segar-bugar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unrefreshed | adj tdk segar: he woke up feeling dull and ~, dia bangun tidur, berasa lembap dan tdk segar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fettle | n; in /fine, good/~, (colloq ), (dlm keadaan) segar-bugar: your horse is in fine ~, kuda kamu segar-bugar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fight | ~ drunk, mabuk ganas; ~ fit, segar-bugar; ~ mad, berang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fresh | 4. new, another and different, baru: he took a ~ sheet of paper and started again, dia mengambil sehelai kertas baru dan bermula kembali; he saw ~ sights everyday, dia melihat pemandangan baru setiap hari; 5. more, further, lagi: can you please make me a ~ pot of coffee?, bolehkah buatkan saya seteko kopi lagi?; 6. (of water) not salty, tawar: fish bred in ~ water, ikan yg diternakkan dlm air tawar; 7. bright and clear, segar: a ~ morning in spring, pagi yg segar pd musim bunga; 8. cool, invigorating, segar, nyaman: a ~ breeze, bayu segar; he went out into the ~ morning air, dia keluar utk menghirup udara pagi yg segar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dine | ~ on, makan: they ~d on fresh oysters and salad, mereka makan tiram segar dan salad; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
work-out | n senaman, bersenam: I feel good after an hour’s ~, saya rasa segar selepas bersenam selama sejam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |