imperfect | adj 1. not perfect, tdk sempurna; (when emphasizing the incomplete state of st) tdk /lengkap, sempurna/: he has only an ~ knowledge of the subject, dia hanya mempunyai pengetahuan yg tdk sempurna ttg perkara itu; 2. (ling) tak sempurna: ~ tense, ala tak sempurna; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scrappy | adj incomplete, not well organized, tdk sempurna: they were given very ~ information on the subject, mereka diberi penerangan yg tdk sempurna ttg perkara itu; the ~ plot of the novel, plot novel yg tdk sempurna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
perennial | adj 1. having no fault, excellent, (gen) sempurna, sangat baik; (of behaviour, performance) sempurna, tdk ada cacat celanya; (of weather, day) sangat baik; (of health) sangat sihat: he still has a ~ set of teeth, giginya masih dlm keadaan yg sempurna; my five-year-old car is in ~ condition, kereta saya yg sudah lima tahun itu dlm keadaan yg sangat baik; speak ~ Arabic, bercakap bahasa Arab yg sempurna; a ~ performance of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”, persembahan “The Magic Flute” dr karya Mozart yg tdk ada cacat celanya; in ~ health, dlm keadaan yg sangat sihat; ~ score, mata penuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imperfection | n 1. state of being imperfect, ketidaksempurnaan, tdk sempurna; (when emphasizing the incomplete state of st) tdk /lengkap, sempurna/, ketidaksempurnaan: the ~ of man must be accepted, hakikat bahawa manusia tdk sempurna mestilah diakui; 2. blemish, fault, kekurangan; (in appearance, form) cacat: she loved him in spite of his ~s, dia mencintai lelaki itu walaupun lelaki itu banyak kekurangannya; there are a number of ~s in the cloth, kain itu cacat pd beberapa tempat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inchoate | adj (fml) just begun and thus not properly developed, baru /bertunas, bercambah/, belum sempurna; (of plan) baru berputik, belum sempurna; (of need, longing, wish, etc) baru bersemi: his head is full of ~ ideas, kepalanya penuh dgn gagasan-gagasan yg baru bertunas; the plan was ~ and disorganized, rancangan itu belum sempurna dan tdk teratur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
perfection | 3. st that is the perfect embodiment of quality, sangat /baik, sempurna/: her acting was ~, lakonannya sangat sempurna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
past perfect | n 1. past perfect tense, kala lampau sempurna; 2. verb in past perfect tense, kata kerja kala lampau sempurna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
well-rounded | adj 1. (of person) attractively plump, berbadan bulat; 2. (of social experience) lengkap, sempurna: he has had a ~ education, dia mendapat pendidikan yg sempurna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immaculate | adj 1. very clean, tidy, bersih dan rapi: her clothes are always ~, pakaiannya sentiasa bersih dan rapi; 2. flawless, sempurna, tdk ada cacat cela: an ~ style in dress, gaya berpakaian yg sempurna; ~ behaviour, tingkah laku yg tdk ada cacat cela; have ~ manners, sungguh /sopan, tertib/; 3. morally pure, suci: an ~ heart, hati yg suci; 4. (biol) imakulat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
perfectly | adv 1. completely, utterly, betul-betul: that was a ~ foolish thing you did, itu perkara yg betul-betul bodoh yg kamu lakukan; 2. in a perfect way, dgn sempurna: she speaks French ~, dia berbahasa Perancis dgn sempurna; I have no complaints. She did the job ~, saya berpuas hati. Dia melaksanakan tugas itu dgn sempurna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |