local | n 1. (colloq) inhabitant or resident of particular locality, penduduk setempat, penduduk tempat /itu, ini/: if you want to know the history of Rawang, ask the ~s, jika kamu hendak tahu sejarah Rawang, tanyalah penduduk setempat; 2. (UK) o’s favourite pub, pub biasa: he must be having a beer at his ~, tentu dia sedang minum bir di pub biasanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
local | adj 1. concerned with a certain place, tempatan: ~ councils, majlis tempatan; ~ time, waktu tempatan; 2. existing in or belonging to an area where one lives or that one is talking about, setempat: he went down to the ~ post-office to post some letters, dia pergi ke pejabat pos setempat utk mengepos beberapa pucuk surat; ~ boys will be able to find employment at the new hotel, budak-budak setempat akan dapat mencari pekerjaan di hotel baru itu; 3. (med) setempat: ~ infection, jangkitan setempat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
local colour | n warna setempat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
local anaesthetic | n anestetik setempat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insensitive | adj 1. unaffected by physical sensation or impression, tdk /peka, sensitif /: local anaesthetic makes the gum ~ to pain, anestetik setempat menjadikan gusi tdk peka thdp kesakitan; the material is ~ to light and heat, bahan itu tdk peka thdp cahaya dan haba; 2. unaffected by, tdk /peka, sensitif/: to be ~ to criticism, tdk peka tdhp kritikan; 3. uncaring, tdk /mempedulikan, menghiraukan/ perasaan orang lain: a cold, ~ man, lelaki yg dingin dan tdk mempedulikan perasaan orang lain; she was too ~ to realize the embarrassment she had caused, dia begitu tdk mempedulikan perasaan orang lain utk menyedari keaiban yg disebabkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spot | b. at a particular place, pd masa ini: fortunately, there was a nurse on the ~ to attend to the accident victim, nasib baik ada seorang jururawat pd masa itu utk merawat mangsa kemalangan; c. without moving from where one is, setempat: running on the ~, berlari setempat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hive | vi 1. (of bees) bersarang: the bees ~ in that wooden box, lebah bersarang di dlm kotak kayu itu; 2. (of people) tinggal setempat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mark1 | ~ my words, tengoklah:~ my words, he will get into trouble again with the authority again, tengoklah, dia akan mendapat susah lagi dgn pihak berkuasa; ~ time, a. march on the spot, berkawad setempat; b. await further | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |