emission | n 1. act of sending forth, a. (smoke, fluid, etc) pengeluaran: the ~ of noxious fumes from factories, pengeluaran wasap beracun dr kilang-kilang; b. (heat, light, etc) pemancaran: the ~ of heat can be controlled by insulation, pemancaran haba boleh dikawal dgn penebatan; the sun’s ~ of light, pemancaran cahaya oleh matahari; 2. thing emitted, pancaran; (phys & physiol) emisi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
detect | vt 1. discover, perceive, mengesan: to ~ a note of anger in his voice, mengesan nada kemarahan pd suaranya; to ~ the presence of poisonous gases, mengesan adanya gas-gas beracun; the cause of the illness has been ~ed, punca penyakit itu telah dapat dikesan; 2. bring to light, reveal, menjumpai, mendapati: the burglars were ~ed in the act of breaking in, pencuri-pencuri itu dijumpai semasa sedang memecah masuk ke dlm rumah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discharge | vt 1. unload, memunggah: the cargo was ~d at Port Klang, kargo itu telah dipunggah di Pelabuhan Klang; 2. relieve of load, memunggah muatan dr: to ~ a ship, memunggah muatan dr kapal; 3. (fml) emit, send out, mengeluarkan; (waste products) membuang: the exhaust ~s poisonous fumes, ekzos itu mengeluarkan wasap beracun; the factory ~s effluent into the sea, kilang itu membuang efluen ke dlm laut; 4. (old-fashioned) fire, melepaskan tembakan: to ~ a gun, melepaskan tembakan dgn senapang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |