gusto | n; with ~, (colloq) dgn penuh /semangat, ghairah/; (when eating) dgn /berselera, bernafsu/ sekali: he sang the song with great ~, dia menyanyikan lagu itu dgn penuh semangat; the hungry child ate with ~, budak yg lapar itu makan dgn berselera sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | ~ to, a. begin to eat, mula makan: they fell to with good appetite, mereka mula makan dgn berselera; b. begin to fight, mula berlawan: they saluted one another before they fell to, mereka memberikan hormat antara satu sama lain sebelum mereka mula berlawan: c. be the duty of, menjadi kewajipan: it fell to me to break the news, adalah menjadi kewajipan saya utk menyampaikan berita itu; d. belong to, jatuh kpd: the property will ~ to his wife, harta itu akan jatuh kpd isterinya; ~ to, a. begin to eat, mula makan: they fell to with good appetite, mereka mula makan dgn berselera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appetite | n 1. desire for food, drink, selera, nafsu makan: the swim had given them all an ~, berenang membangkitkan selera mereka; have an ~ (for food, drink) berselera, mempunyai selera: normally the boy has a good ~, biasanya budak lelaki itu berselera; spoil /o’s, so’s/ ~, (menyebabkan sso) /patah selera, tdk lalu makan/: don’t spoil your ~ by eating sweets before dinner, jangan makan gula-gula sebelum makan malam, nanti patah selera; the cakes have spoilt his ~, kek yg dimakannya itu menyebabkan dia patah selera; 2. desire to satisfy bodily needs, nafsu: sexual ~, nafsu seks; 3. desire, inclination, hasrat, keinginan: he seems to have lost all ~ for life, dia nampaknya telah hilang keinginan utk hidup; tales that whetted the boy’s ~ for adventure, cerita-cerita yg membangkitkan keinginan budak itu utk mengadu untung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hearty | adj 1. cordial, mesra: he was given a ~ welcome, dia diberi sambutan yg mesra; 2. enthusiastic, unrestrained, kuat: ~ laughter, ketawa yg kuat; a ~ push, menolak dgn kuat; ~ support, sokongan kuat; 3. (of feelings) amat sangat: ~ dislike, kebencian yg amat sangat; ~ appetite, berselera sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |