alongside | prep often ~ of, 1. at the side of, di /sisi, tepi, sebelah, samping/: the ship was moored ~ the dock, kapal itu ditambatkan di sebelah limbungan; 2. a. di /sisi, samping, sebelah/: to walk ~ of so., berjalan di sisi sso; b. (fig.) di /samping, sisi/: it is a pleasure to work ~ a brilliant director, seronok bekerja di samping seorang pengarah yg bijak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
by | prep 1. near to, next to, beside, at or to the side of (a thing, building, place, etc) di tepi; (a person) di sisi, di sebelah, di samping: a house ~ a lake, sebuah rumah di tepi tasik; a holiday ~ the sea, bercuti di tepi laut; standing ~ the door, berdiri di tepi pintu; he sat ~ me in the train, dia duduk di sisi saya dlm kereta api itu; I’ve got it ~ me, itu ada pd saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elbow | at o’s ~, berdamping dgn, di samping, di sisi: his wife is always at his ~, isterinya selalu berdamping dengannya;/bend, crook, lift/ o’s ~, (kuat) minum arak; get the ~, kena pecat; give so. the ~, /memecat, membuang, mengeluarkan/ sso; out at ~s, a. (of clothes) worn out, lusuh; b. (of person) shabbily dressed, berpakaian compang-camping; rub ~s with, bergaul (rapat) dgn; up to the ~s (in, with), sibuk: I’m up to the ~s in painting the house, saya sedang sibuk mengecat rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aslant | prep serong: the ship sailed ~ our line of bouys, kapal itu belayar serong di sisi barisan boya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alongside | bring a boat etc ~, mengemudikan sampan, dsb di /sisi, sebelah, tepi, samping/ + approp n; come ~, (imper) datanglah ke /sisi, tepi/; draw ~, menghampiri /sisi, tepi/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedside | n sisi katil: ~ table, meja sisi katil; be at so’s ~, berada di /sisi, samping/ sso: his wife was constantly at his ~ during his illness, isterinya sentiasa berada di sisinya sewaktu dia sakit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dutiful | adj (fml), /patuh, akur/ dan bertanggungjawab: as a ~ wife, you should be by your husband’s bedside when he is ill, sbg isteri yg patuh dan bertanggungjawab, kamu patut berada di sisi suami semasa dia sakit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abeam | adv (of ship) di (sebelah) rusuk; (of island etc) di (sebelah) sisi: the island lay ~ of the ship, pulau itu terletak di rusuk kapal; at noon we came ~ of the island, pd waktu tengah hari kami sampai di sisi pulau itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abomination | n 1. detestation, kebencian, perasaan benci; hold st in ~, membenci, benci akan; 2. Detestable act, habit etc, approp n + (yg) keji: accused of ~s, dituduh melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan keji; an ~ before God, sst yg keji di sisi Tuhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
equal | adj 1. the same in size, degree, amount, value, etc, sama: when you add up both columns the totals should be ~, apabila kamu mencampurkan angka dlm kedua-dua lajur itu, jumlahnya seharusnya sama; the trees must be planted an ~ distance apart, pokok-pokok itu mesti ditanam dgn jarak yg sama; each state has an ~ number of representatives in the senate, setiap negeri mempunyai bilangan wakil yg sama dlm dewan senat; jewels ~ in weight and value, permata yg sama berat dan sama nilainya; to demand ~ rights and ~ opportunities, menuntut hak dan peluang yg sama; all men are ~ in the sight of God, semua manusia sama di sisi Tuhan; 2. comparable, sebanding: this is ~ to the best wine I have tasted, wain ini sebanding dgn wain yg terbaik yg pernah saya rasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |