improvise | vi 1. make st from materials available or without preparation, menggunakan apa-apa saja yg ada; (of speaker, announcer, etc) approp v + secara spontan, mengimprovisasi: the announcer had to ~ to fill in the time, juruhebah terpaksa mengimprovisasi utk mengisi masa siaran; the speaker had to ~ as he had forgotten to bring the text of his speech, penceramah itu terpaksa berucap secara spontan krn terlupa membawa teks ucapannya; 2. compose st as one goes along, mengimprovisasi: the actor forgot his lines and had to ~, pelakon itu terlupa dialognya dan terpaksa mengimprovisasi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expect | vt 1. anticipate, menjangka: we had ~ed that to happen, kami telah menjangka itu akan berlaku; it is ~ed that the company will compensate her for her injury, adalah dijangka syarikat itu akan membayar ganti rugi krn kecederaannya; their objection to our proposal is only to be ~ed, bantahan mereka thdp syor kita memang sudah dijangka; as so. /~s, had ~ed/, spt yg sso jangka: she failed as we had ~ed, dia gagal spt yg kami jangka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infiltrate | vi 1. menyerap, meresap: water had ~d into the walls, air telah menyerap ke dlm dinding itu; 2. (fig.), /menyeludup, menyusup/ masuk: anti-government elements had ~ed into the armed forces, anasir antikerajaan telah menyeludup masuk ke dlm angkatan tentera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ceiling | n 1. overhead lining, siling, langit-langit; 2. maximum limit, had maksimum: the government imposed a ~ on rents, kerajaan mengenakan had maksimum ke atas sewa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | n 1. act of counting, pengiraan, penghitungan: after the first ~ he knew he had won, selepas pengiraan pertama, dia tahu dia telah menang; by my ~, eleven of the chicks have already died, mengikut pengiraan saya sebelas ekor anak ayam itu talah mati; bon a ~ of /three, five, etc/ selepas sso mengira /tiga, lima, dll/: on a ~ of three, I want everyone to stand up, selepas saya mengira tiga, saya mahu semua orang bangun; 2. level, kiraan: his blood ~ was low, kiraan sel darahnya rendah; 3. figure, angka: the official ~ was 102 but the newspaper claimed that at least 300 people had died, angka rasmi ialah 102 tetapi akhbar itu mendakwa bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 300 orang telah terkorban; 4. (boxing) mengira; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denude | vt 1. make bare, (act.) menggondolkan; (pass.) menjadi gondol: frost had ~d the trees, fros telah menggondolkan pokok-pokok itu; mountainsides ~d by wind and rain, lereng-lereng bukit yg menjadi gondol krn angin dan hujan; 2. deprive, a. (of attribute, hope, etc) memusnahkan: his involvement in the scandal had ~d him of all dignity, penglibatannya dlm skandal itu telah memusnahkan kehormatannya; b. (of possession) menandaskan, menanduskan: his creditors ~d him of every cent he possessed, pemiutangnya telah menandaskan setiap sen yg dipunyainya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come-down | n 1. fall in status, rank, prosperity, etc, martabat [sso] jatuh, jatuh martabat: he had to give up his yacht and his Lamborghini– what a ~ for him!, dia terpaksa menjual kapal pesiar dan kereta Lamborghininya – jatuh martabatnya!; 2. (colloq) anticlimax, mengecewakan: after the fabulous time they had in Costa Brava, it was a real ~ to have to go back to work, setelah berseronok-seronok di Costa Brava, sungguh mengecewakan apabila terpaksa balik bekerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hack 1 | vt 1. chop roughly or violently, menetak: the killer ~ed his victim’s body savagely, pembunuh itu menetak tubuh mangsanya dgn ganas; 2. also ~ out, clear, a. (way, path) merintis: to ~ a path through the forest, merintis jalan menembusi hutan itu; b. (farm) membuka: the settlers had to ~ out the farm from heavily-forested land, penduduk-penduduk terpaksa membuka ladang drpd kawasan yg diliputi hutan tebal; 3. (in sport) menendang, menyepak: he ~ed his opponent’s shin, dia menyepak tulang kering lawannya; 4. cut, reduce severely, memenggal: the editor had to ~ the reporter’s story due to space constraints, editor terpaksa memenggal cerita wartawan itu krn kesempitan ruang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hence | adv 1. from this time, dr sekarang: a year ~, setahun dr sekarang; 2. (archaic) from here, dr sini: 2 miles ~, 2 batu dr sini; 3. for this reason, /kerana, oleh sebab, justeru/ itu: he had never married, ~ he had no legitimate heir, dia tdk pernah berkahwin, kerana itu dia tdk mempunyai waris sah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flush1 | n 1. redness of the skin, merah: the child’s face had a healthy ~, muka budak itu merah tanda sihat; bring a ~ to o’s face, menjadikan muka sso merah padam; 2. mechanism for flushing toilets, pam (jamban); (tech) kumbah; 3. surge (of emotion), [various translations]: he felt a sudden ~ of anger, rasa marah menyirap dlm dirinya; in a ~ of pride his normally undemonstrative father embraced him fondly, krn tiba-tiba berasa bangga, bapanya yg biasanya tdk memperlihatkan perasaan, memeluknya dgn rasa sayang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |