fuss | make a ~, buat /kecoh, heboh/: he made a ~ about the bad service, dia buat kecoh ttg layanan yg buruk itu; make a ~ /of, over/, /bersusah-susah, bersusah-payah/ melayan: she made a ~ of the children, dia bersusah-susah melayan budak-budak itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fuss | n nervous or excited activity, commotion, kekecohan, kehebohan, kecoh, heboh: what’s all the ~ about ?, apa yg kecoh ini?; it’s a lot of ~ about nothing, banyak kecoh tdk berpasal; she causes a ~ wherever she goes, dia buat kecoh di mana sahaja dia pergi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hullabaloo | n 1. disturbance, uproar, kehebohan: the news caused a ~, berita itu menimbulkan kehebohan; 2. confused noise, bunyi bising,iuh rendah: there was a lot of shouting and ~ at the harbour, jerit pekik dan riuh rendah di pelabuhan; make a ~ about st, membuat /heboh, bising/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
create | vt 1. bring into existence, mencipta; (by the Divine Act) mencipta, menjadikan: the artist has ~d a masterpiece, pelukis itu telah mencipta sebuah karya agung; God ~d the universe, Tuhan mencipta alam semesta; 2. set up, bring forth, mewujudkan; (department, organization, etc) menubuhkan, mewujudkan: to ~ a new and dynamic society, mewujudkan satu masyarakat yg baru dan dinamik; a new department was ~d, sebuah jabatan baru telah ditubuhkan; 3. cause, bring about, menimbulkan: his appearance ~d a sensation, kemunculannya telah menimbulkan sensasi; to ~ a disturbance, menimbulkan kekacauan; to ~ a good impression, menimbulkan tanggapan yg baik; ~ a scene, berbuat heboh; 4. invest with rank, melantik [sso] sbg: the Queen ~d him an earl, Baginda Ratu telah melantiknya sbg earl. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |