alongside | bring a boat etc ~, mengemudikan sampan, dsb di /sisi, sebelah, tepi, samping/ + approp n; come ~, (imper) datanglah ke /sisi, tepi/; draw ~, menghampiri /sisi, tepi/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fight | ~ through st, also ~ os’ way through st, /merempuh, meredah/ sst: he fought his way through the crowd to reach the injured man, dia merempuh orang ramai utk sampai ke sisi lelaki yg cedera itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | vi 1. move, travel to particular destination or for particular purpose, pergi: she ~es to market every Sunday, dia pergi ke pasar setiap hari minggu; let’s ~ swimming, mari kita pergi berenang; I’ll ~ and see what they are doing, saya akan pergi melihat apa yg mereka sedang buat; he wants to ~ to Italy next year, dia hendak pergi ke Itali tahun depan; the two ladies went aside to talk privately, kedua-dua wanita itu pergi ke sisi utk bercakap secara sulit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aside | adv ke /sebelah, tepi, samping, sisi/: she pulled the curtain ~ to let in more air, dia menarik langsir ke sebelah utk membiarkan udara masuk lebih banyak; in her haste, she pushed me ~, krn hendak cepat, dia menolak saya ke sebelah; his father took him ~ to tell him the news, bapanya menariknya ke sebelah utk memberitahunya ttg berita itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apart | 4. remote, detached, terasing: the little boy stood ~ from the other children, budak lelaki itu berdiri terasing drpd kanak-kanak lain; 5./b> to one side, ke /tepi, sisi, sebelah/: he took me ~ in order to have a private word with me, dia menarik saya ke tepi utk bercakap secara peribadi dgn saya; 6. not being taken into consideration, jika tdk /diambil kira, diperhitungkan/: these things ~, the patient can be said to be making good progress, jika perkara-perkara ini tdk diambil kira, boleh dikatakan pesakit itu sedang beransur baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
across | 5. on the other side of, beyond, di seberang: his office is ~ the road, pejabatnya di seberang jalan; a great and powerful nation ~ the Pacific, negara besar dan berkuasa di seberang Lautan Pasifik; 6. from either side of, dr ke dua-dua sisi, dr sebelah [n] masing-masing: they shook hands ~ the table, dr ke dua-dua sisi meja or dr sebelah meja masing-masing mereka berjabat tangan; 7. the other side of, sebelah sana: to smile at so. from ~ the room, tersenyum pd sso dr sebelah sana bilik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |