cognate | adj 1. descended from common ancestor, seketurunan, kognat: ~ families, keluarga-keluarga seketurunan; 2. (of languages) serumpun: Spanish and Italian are ~ languages, bahasa Sepanyol dan bahasa Itali ialah bahasa serumpun; 3. of similar nature or character, sejenis, sama sifatnya: painting and other ~ forms of art, lukisan dan bentuk-bentuk seni yg lain yg sama sifatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allegiance | n 1. loyalty to sovereign nation, cause, kesetiaan, taat setia: to take the oath of ~ to the king, mengangkat sumpah taat setia kpd raja; 2. support, loyalty, kesetiaan: the families are split by differing political ~s, keluarga-keluarga itu berpecah-belah krn kesetiaan kpd fahaman politik yg berbeza. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
family | n 1. group of parents and children, keluarga, famili: a large ~, keluarga besar; the whole ~ went abroad, seluruh keluarga pergi ke luar negeri; nuclear ~, famili asas; 2. person’s children, anak-anak; 3. group descended from common ancestor, keluarga turun-temurun: his ~ has lived here for hundreds of years, keluarga turun-temurunnya telah bermastautin di sini sejak beratus-ratus tahun lamanya; 4. (biol) famili: the cat ~, famili kucing; 5. (of languages) rumpun bahasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kin | n 1. family, keluarga: to come of good ~, dr keluarga yg baik; 2. relations, kaum kerabat, (kaum) keluarga, saudara (-mara), sanak saudara; near of ~, saudara /rapat, dekat/; next of ~, waris yg terd | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inadequate | adj 1. insufficient, tdk /cukup, mencukupi/: ~ water supply, bekalan air yg tdk cukup; the house is ~ for a family of our size, rumah itu tdk mencukupi bagi keluarga sebesar keluarga kita; 2. incompetent, lacking, kekurangan: she felt quite ~ to deal with the situation, dia berasa begitu ekurangan utk menghadapi keadaan itu; he is so able that he makes me feel thoroughly ~, dia begitu pandai sehingga saya berasa amat kekurangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
house | 7. family, a. (of royal descent), /kerabat, keluarga/ diraja: the H~ of Windsor, Kerabat Diraja Windsor; b. (of noble descent) keluarga bangsawan: the noble ~s of Europe, keluarga bangsawan Eropah; 8. dynasty, wangsa: the ~ of Othman, wangsa Othmaniah; 9. division of a school esp for sporting competition, rumah: blue ~, rumah biru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hearth | n surface beneath fireplace on which fire is made, perdiangan; ~ and home, keluarga; return to ~ and home, pulang ke pangkuan keluarga: after years of travelling he was happy to return to his ~ and home, selepas mengembara bertahun-tahun lamanya, dia gembira pulang ke pangkuan keluarga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foster-care | n /pemeliharaan, pembelaan/ keluarga angkat: the two brothers had to be placed in ~, dua beradik itu terpaksa diletakkan di bawah pemeliharaan keluarga angkat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clan | n 1. tribal group, suku; 2. family, keluarga, kaum kerabat: the Kennedy ~, keluarga Kennedy. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
connected | I have been ~ with the opening of new resorts in the east coast, saya telah dikaitkan dgn pembukaan tempat-tempat peranginan baru di pantai timur; 2. related (by birth or marriage) mempunyai hubungan keluarga, (ada) kena-mengena, bersaudara: she is said to be ~ with the Pahang royal family, dia dikatakan mempunyai hubungan keluarga dgn keluarga diraja Pahang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |