equal | adj 1. the same in size, degree, amount, value, etc, sama: when you add up both columns the totals should be ~, apabila kamu mencampurkan angka dlm kedua-dua lajur itu, jumlahnya seharusnya sama; the trees must be planted an ~ distance apart, pokok-pokok itu mesti ditanam dgn jarak yg sama; each state has an ~ number of representatives in the senate, setiap negeri mempunyai bilangan wakil yg sama dlm dewan senat; jewels ~ in weight and value, permata yg sama berat dan sama nilainya; to demand ~ rights and ~ opportunities, menuntut hak dan peluang yg sama; all men are ~ in the sight of God, semua manusia sama di sisi Tuhan; 2. comparable, sebanding: this is ~ to the best wine I have tasted, wain ini sebanding dgn wain yg terbaik yg pernah saya rasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
column | n 1. upright pillar, tiang: the ~s supporting the roof, tiang-tiang yg menyokong bumbung; Nelson’s ~, tiang Nelson; 2. any column-shaped object or mass, a. (of smoke etc) kepulan, gumpalan; b. (of water) pancutan, memancut: a ~ of water shot up from the ground, pancutan air dr tanah; c. (the steering column) turus roda kemudi; 3. (journ) regular article, feature, ruang: gossip ~, ruang desas-desus; 4. a vertical row or list, lajur: write the figures in the ~s provided, tulis angka-angka di dalam lajur yg disediakan; 5. line of ships, people, etc following one another, jajaran: a ~ of soldiers, jajaran askar; a ~ of ants, jajaran semut; 6. (bot) turus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entry | 3. act of joining, kemasukan, masuk: he regrets his untimely ~ into such a competitive market, dia kesal krn masuk ke pasaran yg begitu hebat persaingannya yg tdk kena pd masanya;the ~ of France into the war, kemasukan Perancis ke dlm peperangan itu; 4. way in, ( door, gate ) pintu masuk; ( passage ) jalan masuk; 5. act of taking part ( in a competition etc ) penyertaan; 6. act of recording ( brief notes, figures ) in a diary etc, pencatatan, membuat catatan: the ~ of a sale, pencatatan jualan; 7. item entered, a. (in the form of brief notes ) catatan; ( in the form of figures ) masukan: this ~ should be in the debit column, masukan in seharusnya ditulis dlm lajur debit; b. ( in a dictionary, encyclopedia ) kata masukan, entri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |