commodius | adj lapang: a ~ house, sebuah rumah yg lapang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agoraphobia | n agorafobia, gerun lapang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
free | 3. unrestricted, bebas: they are not ~ to act, mereka tdk bebas bertindak; he enjoys the ~ life of a bachelor, dia menikmati hidup bebas orang bujang; a ~ market, pasaran bebas; 4. unoccupied, a. (of person) lapang, senang: I am busy today but will be ~ tomorrow, hari ini saya sibuk tetapi esok saya lapang; b. (of time) lapang: he has very little ~ time, waktu lapangnya sedikit sekali; c. (of place) kosong: there is a ~ table in the corner, ada meja kosong di penjuru itu; is this seat ~?, kerusi ini kosong?; 5. not bound by rules, bebas: ~ verse, rangkap bebas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
criss-cross | vi silang-menyilang: the lines of soldiers ~ed over the barrack square, barisan askar silang-menyilang di tanah lapang berek; footprints ~ed in the snow, jejak-jejak kaki silang-menyilang di atas salji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elbow-room | n ruang: there’s hardly any ~ in my office, hampir tdk ada ruang lagi dlm pejabat saya; no ~, sempit; plenty of ~, lapang, luas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | 5. shelter, perlindungan: the fighter planes provided ~ for the bombers, kapal-kapal terbang pejuang memberikan perlindungan kpd pesawat pengebom; the land was treeless and provided no ~ for the troops, tanah itu lapang dan tdk memberikan perlindungan kpd askar-askar itu; 6. mask, disguise, topeng: the club was a ~ for unlawful activities, kelab itu merupakan topeng bagi kegiatan-kegiatan haram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forfeit | vt 1. lose as a penalty, kehilangan: he had ~ed all right to the inheritance when he married a commoner, dia telah kehilangan segala hak atas warisannya apabila dia mengahwini orang kebanyakan; if you commit another violation you will ~ a point, kalau saudara melanggar peraturan sekali lagi, saudara akan kehilangan satu mata; 2. sacrifice, mengorbankan: I have ~ed much free time to make a success of this project, saya telah banyak mengorbankan masa lapang utk menjayakan projek ini; some of the scientists present at the tests ~ed their lives for science, beberapa ahli sains yg hadir semasa ujian-ujian itu telah mengorbankan nyawa mereka demi sains. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deprive | vt 1. prevent from enjoying, possessing, a. (of so.) tdk + approp v: his guardian had ~d him of the company of children his age, penjaganya tdk membenarkannya bergaul dgn kanak-kanak sebaya dengannya; children who are ~d of love, kanak-kanak yg tdk mendapat kasih sayang; b. (of st), (act.) menyebabkan [sst] tdk (men)dapat; (pass.) tdk mendapat: the open fields ~d the soldiers of cover, padang yg lapang itu menyebabkan askar-askar tdk mendapat perlindungan; the river-bank was completely ~d of shade, tebing sungai itu tdk mendapat naungan langsung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
available | adj ada, [more specif descriptions are preferred in Malay]: ~ resources, sumber-sumber yg ada; all ~ ambulances were rushed to the scene of the accident, semua ambulans yg ada dikejarkan ke tempat kemalangan itu; the book is not yet ~, buku itu belum diterbitkan lagi; ~ at all leading supermarkets, dijual di semua pasar raya utama; ~ in many colours, terdapat dlm berbagai-bagai warna; the doctor is ~ now, kamu boleh berjumpa dgn doktor sekarang; be ~ for, [various translations]: he was not ~ for comment, dia tdk dapat dihubungi utk memberikan ulasan; is he ~ for a discussion this afternoon?, adakah dia lapang utk menghadiri perbincangan pd petang ini?; maps and brochures are ~ for tourists at the reception-desk, peta dan brosur utk pelancong disediakan di meja penyambut tetamu; tickets for the show are ~ for two weeks, tiket utk pertunjukan itu akan dijual selama dua minggu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back | adv 1. towards the rear, ke belakang: to step ~, melangkah ke belakang; 2. at a position behind, di belakang: a few miles ~, beberapa batu di belakang; 3. in the past, dahulu, dulu: it happened ~ in the days of Queen Victoria, peristiwa itu berlaku pd zaman Ratu Victoria dahulu; 4. ago, lalu, lepas, dahulu, dulu: a few days ~, beberapa hari lalu; 5. a. (to o’s home, country) pulang, balik: my husband will be ~ at six o’clock, suami saya akan pulang pd pukul enam; b. (to a former place, position or condition) kembali, balik: the manager is out, but he is expected ~ at any minute, pengurus tdk ada, tetapi dia dijangka kembali pd bila-bila masa sekarang; he is ~ in his old post again, dia sudah kembali ke jawatannya yg lama; to nurse so. ~ to health, merawat sso hingga pulih kembali; 6. in return, balik, kembali, [sometimes not translated ]: if he hits you, hit him ~!, kalau dia memukul kamu, (kamu) pukul dia balik!; ask him to ring me ~ when he is not busy, minta dia menelefon saya kembali apabila dia lapang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |