keep | ~ straight on, terus + approp v; (of person) approp v + terus: the road ~s straight on into the forest, jalan itu terus masuk ke dlm hutan; you should ~ straight on until you come to the crossroads, kamu mesti ber | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lay 1 | ~ a trap, (lit. & fig.) memasang /jerat, perangkap/: they laid a trap for the wild boar, mereka memasang perangkap utk menangkap babi hutan; the man walked into the trap the police had laid for him, lelaki itu terus masuk ke dlm perangkap yg dipasang oleh polis untuknya; ~ waste to st, (act.), /memusnahkan, meranapkan/ sst; (pass.) sst /musnah, ranap/: typhoon laid waste to the country, negeri itu ranap disebabkan taufan tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |