get | murid-murid meneruskan kerja mereka; ~ on st, menaiki sst: he got on his bicycle and rode off, dia menaiki basikalnya lalu pergi; when did you ~ on the ship?, bila kamu menaiki kapal itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disobedient | adj ingkar: ~ pupils, murid-murid yg ingkar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delighted | adj (berasa) gembira: the class was ~ to hear that they will be getting a new teacher, murid-murid kelas itu gembira krn akan mendapat guru baru; we’re ~ that you will be going with us, kami gembira krn puan akan pergi bersama kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hard | 6. difficult, sukar, susah: these sums are too ~ for primary school pupils, kira-kira ini terlalu sukar utk murid-murid sekolah rendah; it’s ~ for us to imagine such poverty, sukar bagi kita utk membayangkan kemiskinan spt itu; a ~ life, kehidupan yg susah; ~ times, masa susah; 7. (of voice) keras; 8. (of colour) garang; 9. (of ray) keras: ~ cosmic ray, sinar kosmos keras; 10. (rel to weather) teruk: a ~ winter, musim sejuk yg teruk; 11. high in alcoholic content, keras: ~ liquor, arak yg keras; 12. (of water, soap) liat; 13. indisputable, tdk boleh disangkal: ~ facts, fakta yg tdk boleh disangkal; 14. (of currency, money) utama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harangue | vt berucap dgn hangat kpd: the headmaster ~d the boys on the subject of drugs, guru besar berucap dgn hangat kpd murid-murid ttg dadah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
explain | vi & vt menerangkan, menjelaskan: the teacher ~ed the school rules to the new students, guru itu menerangkan peraturan-peraturan sekolah kpd murid-murid baru; please ~ to me what this notice means, tolong terangkan kpd saya apa maksud kenyataan ini; let me ~ how it happened, biar saya jelaskan bagaimana hal itu berlaku; that ~s her strange behaviour, itu menerangkan mengapa dia berkelakuan ganjil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
copy | vt 1. also ~ /down, out/, transcribe, menyalin: the pupils copied the formula from the blackboard, murid-murid menyalin formula dr papan hitam; 2. make a copy of, membuat salinan; 3. imitate, follow, meniru: none can ~ his style of writing, tiada sesiapa yg boleh meniru gaya penulisannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coach | vt 1. give special instruction to, memberi bimbingan khusus kpd: he ~es students in French, dia memberi bimbingan khusus kpd murid-murid yg mempelajari bahasa Perancis; 2. train, melatih: he ~es the football team, dia melatih pasukan bola sepak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abashed | adj silu, malu: he felt ~ as his poor results were read out to the class, dia berasa silu sewaktu keputusan peperiksaannya yg buruk itu dibacakan kpd murid-murid sedarjahnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finding | n 1. st learnt as result of investigation, dapatan: one remarkable ~ was that left-handed children do better at school, satu dapatan yg menghairankan ialah murid-murid kidal mencapai prestasi yg lebih baik di sekolah; 2. (leg.) pendapat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |