fit1 | vi 1. be of the correct size, shape, etc, padan: the lid does not ~, tudung itu tdk padan; the hat does not ~ well, topi itu tdk begitu padan; 2. match, kena: there’s something in his story that doesn’t ~, ada sst dlm ceritanya yg tdk kena; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | vt 1. be of the correct size, shape, etc for, padan dgn: do the shoes ~ you?, adakah kasut itu padan dgn tuan?; this key won’t ~ the lock, kunci itu tdk padan dgn lubang kunci; 2. (usu pass.) cause to try on, (act.) meminta sso menyedang [n]; (pass.) menyedang + approp n: our tailors will ~ you for your ceremonial robes on Monday, tukang jahit kami akan meminta tuan menyedang jubah istiadat pd hari Isnin; she is being ~ted for her wedding dress, dia sedang menyedang pakaian pengantinnya; 3. (fix in place) memasang; (provide) memasangi: the carpenter ~ted a new door, tukang kayu itu memasang pintu baru; the cupboard is ~ted with shelves and drawers, almari itu dipasangi para dan laci; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | n padan: the dress is a beautiful ~, baju itu padan sekali; be a /tight, loose/ ~, ketat, longgar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assorted | adj 1. consisting of various kinds, aneka /jenis, pilihan/: a box of ~ chocolates, sekotak coklat aneka jenis; 2. matched, padan, sesuai: a well- ~ couple, pasangan yg benar-benar padan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glove | n protective hand covering, sarung tangan: Malaysia exports rubber ~s, Malaysia mengeksport sarung tangan getah; fit like a ~, /benar-benar, betul-betul/ padan: the dress you bought me fits like a ~, baju yg kamu beli utk saya benar-benar padan; take off the ~s, (colloq) bertindak keras: their enmity has reached such a point that I’m afraid they’ll take off the ~s next time they meet!, permusuhan mereka telah sampai ke tahap runcing dan saya khuatir mereka akan bertindak keras apabila bertemu kelak!. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | harga lebih drpd $1,000; 16. blend, harmonize, cocok, sesuai, padan: this white blouse doesn’t ~ with my skirt, blaus putih ini tdk cocok dgn skirt saya; 17. be sent for consideration, dikemukakan: this issue will ~ direct to the board, isu ini akan dikemukakan langsung kpd pihak lembaga; 18. also ~ about, make a practice of, suka, selalu: don’t ~ spreading lies about us, jangan suka menyebarkan cerita-cerita palsu ttg kami; the gardener ~es about frightening children with his horror stories, tukang kebun selalu menakut-nakutkan budak-budak itu dgn cerita seramnya; 19. proceed, berjalan: the meeting went well, mesyuarat itu berjalan dgn lancar; 20. be, exist in certain condition, [not translated]: to ~ hungry, berlapar; to ~ unnoticed, tdk dihiraukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
becoming | adj 1. befitting, proper (to), wajar: conduct ~ to an officer, kelakuan yg wajar bagi pegawai; 2. attractively suitable, sesuai, padan, cocok, kena benar: a ~ hair-style, potongan rambut yg sesuai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adapted | adj 1. adjusted, sesuai: the camel is well ~ to desert conditions, unta amat sesuai dgn keadaan gurun; 2. make suitable (of play, novel, etc) padan, telah /diadaptasikan, disesuaikan/; (to new setting) saduran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jolly | adv (UK), (colloq) betul(-betul): it’s ~ hot today, panas betul hari ini; a ~ good singer, seorang penyanyi yg betul-betul pandai bernyanyi; ~ well, [not translated]: it ~ well serves them right!, padan muka mereka!; I ~ well told him to get lost, saya suruh dia berambus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eye | look so. in the ~(s), memandang mata sso: I couldn’t look him in the ~ after what I’d done, saya tdk dapat memandang matanya setelah apa yg telah saya lakukan; make (sheep’s) ~s at so., bermain mata dgn sso: he is always making ~s at my sister, dia selalu bermain mata dgn kakak saya; more than meets the ~, lebih drpd yg sso sangka; my ~, (old-fashioned & colloq) sudahlah: wealthy, my ~! He hasn’t any money of his own, dia kaya, sudahlah! Dia tak ada duit pun; one in the ~ for so., (colloq) padan muka sso: if I win this title, it’ll be one in the ~ for Joan – she has been telling everyone that she’s going to win, jika saya memenangi gelaran itu, padan muka Joan – dia telah memberitahu semua orang dia akan menang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |