falsification | n act of making false or representing falsely, pemalsuan: the ~ of the will, pemalsuan surat wasiat; the account is a ~ of Malaysian history, pemerian itu merupakan pemalsuan sejarah Malaysia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forgery | n 1. (act) pemalsuan, memalsukan: ~ is a felony, pemalsuan ialah suatu feloni; 2. st forged, (approp n +) palsu: this painting is a ~, lukisan ini ialah karya palsu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confessedly | adv diakui sbg: the will is ~ a forgery, surat wasiat itu diakui sbg satu pemalsuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mixer | 2. involved in undesirable activity, terlibat: he was ~ in that forgery case, dia terlibat dgn kes pemalsuan itu; 3. connected with so. undesirable, bergaul, bercampur: lately he has been getting ~ with some tough cha | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
classic | adj klasik: a ~ example of medieval architecture, contoh klasik seni bina Zaman Pertengahan; a ~ case of forgery, kes pemalsuan yg klasik; ~ works of art, karya seni yg klasik; the film is a ~ historical epic, filem itu ialah epik sejarah yg klasik; a ~ evening dress, gaun malam yg klasik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fabrication | n 1. act, process of fabricating, a. (bridge, building, etc) memasang siap; b. (story, statement, etc), (perbuatan) /mengada-adakan, mereka(-reka)/ : the ~ of evidence, perbuatan mengada-adakan keterangan; c. (document) pemalsuan: the ~ of travel documents, pemalsuan dokumen-dokumen perjalanan; 2. a. concoction, sst yg /diada-adakan, direka/, rekaan, dongeng: stories that can be dismissed as ~s, cerita-cerita yg dapat dianggap sbg rekaan semata-mata; b. forgery, (sst yg) palsu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | 5. a. (leg.) charge, tuduhan: he was acquitted on one ~ of forgery but found guilty on two ~s of fraud, dia dibebaskan dr satu tuduhan pemalsuan tetapi didapati bersalah atas dua tuduhan melakukan fraud; b. any of a series of points in a discussion or argument, poin: I agree with you on the first ~ but not on the second, saya bersetuju dgn poin pertama saudara tetapi tdk dgn poin kedua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clumsy | adj 1. awkward in movement and action, cemerkap; (of fingers) kekok: the ~ boy knocked the table over, budak yg cemerkap itu melanggar dan menterbalikkan meja; 2. awkwardly designed or constructed, gabas: a ~ piece of machinery, sebuah jentera yg gabas; ~ boots, kasut but yg gabas; 3. done or said without tact or care, (secara) ceroboh: his ~ attempts at making jokes, percubaannya yg ceroboh utk berjenaka; ~ forgery, pemalsuan yg ceroboh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |