frowsty | adj (UK), (colloq) pengap: a ~, crowded bus, bas penuh sesak dan pengap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frowzy | adj 1. musty, pengap, hapak: a dark, ~ ship, kapal yg gelap dan hapak; 2. slatternly, selekeh: a ~ woman, seorang perempuan yg selekeh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
close | 6. faithful, not deviating, tepat: a ~ translation, terjemahan yg tepat; ~ resemblance, hampir-hampir serupa; 7. (of contest) sama kuat saingannya; 8. oppressive, pengap, sesak: the air in this room is ~, udara dlm bilik ini pengap; 9. secretive, secara /sulit, diam-diam/: ~ business dealings with the syndicate, urusan perniagaan secara sulit dgn sindiket; 10. (ling) tertutup: ~ vowel, vokal tertutup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
atmosphere | n 1. gaseous mass surrounding heavenly body, atmosfera; 2. air, climate (in any place) udara: the ~ in the store-room is rather stuffy, udara dlm bilik stor itu agak pengap; 3. pervading feeling, mood, suasana: an ~ of poverty and decadence, suasana kemiskinan dan kemerosotan hidup; the ~ in the room was very tense, suasana di bilik itu sangat tegang; 4. prevailing mood of creative work, suasana; 5. enviroment typical of a given place, period, etc, suasana: the ~ of a Chinatown, suasana pekan Cina; the ~ of Victorian England, suasana zaman Victoria di England; 6. any local gaseous environment, medium, atmosfera; 7. individual effect (usu exotic) suasana istimewa: this restaurant certainly has ~, ada suasana istimewa di restoran ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |