embryonic | adj 1. of, rel to an embryo, embrionik; 2. rudimentary, dlm peringkat /belum jadi, permulaan/: an ~ plan, rancangan peringkat permulaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first base | n 1. (baseball) tapak pertama; 2. first stage, peringkat pertama: the project didn’t even reach ~, projek itu tdk sampai pd peringkat pertama pun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
higher | adj 1. compar of HIGH; 2. more advanced, tinggi: ~ school certificate, sijil tinggi persekolahan; ~ degree, ijazah tinggi; 3. (biol) peringkat tinggi: ~ animals, haiwan peringkat tinggi; ~ plants, tumbuhan peringkat tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | iii. (as obj of pass. verb), [repeat noun it replaces]: the dispute continued for over six months before ~ was finally settled, pertikaian itu berlarutan lebih drpd enam bulan sebelum pertikaian itu selesai; c. (ref to child, baby, whose sex is unknown or considered not important in rel to what one wants to say) i. (used in a clause) dia, ia, [or not translated]; (with words like “hope”, “wish”, “think”, etc), [replace noun it refers to with another noun]; (with words ref to physical attributes). nya; (used with Malay pass. verb) -nya: the stages that every child must go through as ~ grows up, peringkat-peringkat yg mesti dilalui oleh setiap kanak-kanak semasa dia membesar or semasa membesar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
growing pains | n 1. sakit-sakit sendi (krn hendak membesar); 2. (fig.) masalah peringkat permulaan: the car industry is still suffering from its ~, industri kereta masih lagi menghadapi masalah peringkat permulaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
age | 3. time of life person is qualified for st, umur: voting ~, umur layak mengundi; retirement ~, umur bersara; 4. stage of life, peringkat umur: middle ~, peringkat separuh umur; 5. later part of life, tua, berumur: to be bent with ~, bongkok krn tua; 6. period in history, geologic time, zaman: the Dark A~s, Zaman Kelam; the Bronze A~, Zaman Perunggu; the Ice A~, Zaman Ais; 7. generation, zaman: traditions handed down through the ~s, tradisi yg diturun-temurunkan dr zaman ke zaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground level | n 1. floor at the same level as the ground, aras bumi; 2. people of the lowest status or importance in an organization, peringkat bawah: ~ employees, pekerja peringkat bawah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high places | n peringkat atasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | ~ before reaching adolescence, sebelum mencapai peringkat umur remaja; the parcel ~ arrived before Saint Valentine’s Day, bungkusan itu sampai menjelang Hari Valentine; ~ as, a. at exactly the same time as, sebaik saja: the door bell rang ~ as we were about to go to bed, loceng pintu berbunyi sebaik saja kami hendak masuk tidur; b. exactly as, seperti (mana): they left everything ~ as they found it, mereka membiarkan barang-barang itu seperti yg dijumpai oleh mereka; ~ as...as, seperti, [sometimes se + approp adj]: he’s ~ as good-looking as I imagined him to be, dia tampan seperti or setampan yg saya bayangkan; ~ a /minute, moment, second/, a. (said when asking so. to wait a short while), (tuan, encik, dll boleh) tunggu /sebentar, sekejap/: “what room is Mr Jumaat in?” “J ~ a minute, please...er...room 208, sir”, “berapakah nombor bilik Encik Jumaat?” “Encik boleh tunggu sebentar...er...bilik 208, encik”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high-level language | n bahasa /tahap, peringkat/ tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |