dignified | adj menimbulkan rasa hormat: a ~ appearance, perwatakan yg menimbulkan rasa hormat; ~ eloquence, kefasihan yg menimbulkan rasa hormat | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fibre, (US) fiber | n 1. natural or synthetic filament, serat, gentian; (of fruit) serabut, serat: cotton ~ is spun into thread, serat kapas dipintal menjadi benang; 2. cloth made from such material, kain; 3. texture or structure of material, daging: cloth of coarse ~, kain yg kasar dagingnya; 4. esp moral ~, perwatakan; be of strong moral ~, berperwatakan kuat; lack moral ~, berperwatakan lemah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
characterization, characterisation | n 1. delineation of character, gambaran sifat; 2. description, penyifatan: the ~ of de Sade as the incarnation of the devil, penyifatan de Sade sbg penjelmaan syaitan; 3. distinction by means of characteristic, pencirian; 4. (on stage etc), /pembawaan, perlakonan/ watak: the actress’s ~ of Juliet, pembawaan watak Juliet oleh seniwati itu; 5. creation of fictitious characters, perwatakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |