envenom | vt 1. membubuh racun pd: some tribes ~ their spears and arrows, sesetengah puak membubuh racun pd tombak dan anak panah mereka; 2. (fig.) meracuni: remarks ~ed with malice, kata-kata yg diracuni niat jahat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antidote | n 1. penawar; (med) penawar racun, antidot: an ~ for snake bite, antidot utk bisa ular; 2. (fig.) antidot; (of emotional suffering) penawar; an ~ to apathy, antidot kpd sikap acuh tak acuh; ~ to indolence, ubat penyakit malas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gas | n 1. vaporous substance, gas: air is a mixture of ~es, udara ialah campuran gas; 2. poisonous gas used in war, gas racun; 3. (for lighting, heating, etc) gas: natural ~, gas asli; coal ~, gas arang batu; ~ cooker, dapur gas; 4. (anaesthetic) gas; 5. (colloq) boasting, empty talk, temberang: he is full of ~, dia banyak temberang; 6. (US), (colloq) minyak; step on the ~, (liter.) tekan minyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coma 1 | n keadaan koma: he is in a ~, dia dlm keadaan koma; go into a ~, dlm keadaan koma: she went into a ~ after taking the poison, dia dlm keadaan koma selepas meminum racun itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drink | vt 1. consume, (me)minum; (accidentally) terminum: she doesn’t ~ tea, dia tdk minum teh; he drank the poison which was intended for his wife, dia terminum racun yg ditujukan pd isterinya; 2. consume content of, (me)minum; (accidentally) terminum: he can ~ cans of beer without getting drunk, dia boleh minum bertin-tin bir tanpa menjadi mabuk; 3. also ~ in, ~ up, absorb, menyerap: the soil was so dry that it drank up all the rain-water, tanah itu terlalu kering sehingga ia menyerap kesemua air hujan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
administration | n 1. act of, a. (managing affairs of, government, etc) pentadbiran: problems of ~, masalah pentadbiran; those responsible for the ~ of the country, mereka yg bertanggungjawab thdp pentadbiran negara; b. (executing, meting out) pelaksanaan: ~ of the law, pelaksanaan undang-undang; c. (giving, applying as remedy) pemberian: the immediate ~ of an anti dote is of the utmost importance, pemberian penawar racun dgn serta-merta amatlah penting; d. (tendering, imposing) pentadbiran; 2. governing body, pentadbiran: the head of ~ at the institute, ketua pentadbiran di institut itu; the Mahathir ~, pentadbiran Mahathir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |