bad | n; the ~, yg buruk, buruknya: weighing the good against the ~, menimbangkan baik buruknya; go to the ~, menjadi rosak, rosak akhlaknya: he went to the ~ after his father’s death, akhlaknya menjadi rosak selepas ayahnya meninggal dunia; take the ~ with the good, /ambil, terima/ baik buruknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defective | adj 1. (in function) a. (gen) rosak sedikit: a ~ electric kettle, cerek elektrik yg rosak sedikit; a ~ engine, enjin yg rosak sedikit; b. (of eyesight, hearing) rosak; c. (of memory) lemah; 2. (in appearance, form, structure) cacat: the ~ copies of a book, naskah-naskah buku yg rosak; the new transistor radio is ~, radio transistor yg baru itu rosak; 3. (of person) cacat: mentally ~, cacat mental; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broken | 4. damaged, not working, rosak: my watch is ~, jam tangan saya rosak; he took the ~ chair to be repaired, dia membawa kerusi yg rosak itu utk dibaiki; 5. crushed, patah; (of hea/rt) patah, hancur, remuk: a ~ man, orang yg patah semangatnya; a ~ heart, hati yg hancur; 6. (of language) teruk, tdk baik: he speaks ~ English, bahasa Inggerisnya tdk baik; he asked me something in ~ French, dia bertanya kpd saya dlm bahasa Perancis yg teruk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depraved | adj 1. (of person) rosak /akhlak moral/, keji, hina: a cruel and ~ man, orang yg kejam dan rosak akhlak; /lead, live/ a ~ life, hidup tdk bermaruah; 2. (of character, behaviour, mind, etc) rosak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
damaged | adj rosak: ~ goods, barang-barang yg rosak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defaced | adj sudah /rosak, cacat/: ~ sculptures, arca yg sudah rosak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | ~ out, a. stop functioning, rosak: the aircraft’s engines ~ out, enjin kapal terbang itu rosak; b. (usu in pass.) be suitable for, sesuai; ~ st out, a. remove st by cutting, /memotong, menggunting/ sst: to ~ out articles from newspapers, memotong rencana drpd surat khabar; b. shape st by cutting, /memotong, menggunting/ sst: to ~ out animal shapes, memotong bentuk-bentuk binatang; c. omit st, /memotong, mengeluarkan/ sst: to ~ out irrelevant sentences, memotong ayat-ayat yg tdk berkenaan; d. stop taking st, berhenti /makan, minum/ sst: to ~ out salt, berhenti makan garam; e. stop playing st, berhenti bermain sst: he is forced to ~ out golf, dia terpaksa berhenti bermain golf; ~ so. out, memotong peluang sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
damage | n harm, injury, kerosakan, rosak: the ~ to the crops was considerable after the floods, selepas banjir didapati banyak tanaman yg rosak; do ~ to, (lit. & fig.) merosakkan: his article had done ~ to the company’s reputation, rencananya telah merosakkan nama baik syarikat itu; what’s the ~, (colloq) berapa bayarannya; the ~ is done, nasi sudah menjadi bubur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good | come to no ~, menjadi rosak akhirnya: he knew that the boy would come to no ~, dia tahu bahawa budak itu akan menjadi rosak akhirnya; do ~, membuat kebaikan; do so. ~, /baik, elok/ utk sso: a week in Penang will certainly do you ~, seminggu di Pulau Pinang tentu sekali baik utk kamu; for ~ (and all), buat selama-lamanya; be /no, not any, much/ ~, tdk ada gunanya: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | 10. also ~ down (of health etc) rosak: her health broke down under the strain, kesihatannya rosak akibat tekanan itu; 11. (ref to natural phenomena) a. (of fine weather) become bad, menjadi buruk: after three fine days the weather broke, sesudah tiga hari baik, cuaca menjadi buruk; b. (of storm) begin, mula membadai: the storm broke, ribut mula membadai; c. (of waves) menghempas [ke], memecah [di]: the crash of the waves ~ing against the rocks, bunyi pukulan ombak yg menghempas ke batu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |