immediately | conj (colloq) sebaik sahaja: I alerted the police ~ I received the call, saya memberitahu pihak polis sebaik sahaja saya menerima panggilan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instantly | adv (without the least delay), (dgn) serta-merta; (as soon as) sebaik sahaja: he came ~, dia datang dgn serta-merta; “you’re a coward!” he said and ~ regretted it, “kamu pengecut!” katanya dan sebaik sahaja dia mengeluarkan kata-kata itu dia menyesal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instant | n precise moment, ketika: he arrived at the very ~, dia sampai pd ketika itu; an ~ later, sejurus kemudian; (at) the ~, sebaik sahaja: she screamed for help the ~ he let her go, dia menjerit meminta tolong sebaik sahaja lelaki itu melepaskannya; for an ~, buat seketika: for an ~ I thought he was going to kill her, buat seketika saya fikir dia hendak membunuh wanita itu; in an ~, a. within a very short space of time, dgn / sekelip, sekejap, sekedip/ mata: he was gone in an ~, dia menghilang dgn sekelip mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
applaud | vi bertepuk (tangan): as soon as the film star appeared the crowd ~ed enthusiastically, sebaik sahaja bintang filem itu muncul orang ramai pun bertepuk dgn gemuruh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | vi become full, menjadi penuh: the hall ~ed immediately the doors were opened, dewan itu menjadi penuh sebaik sahaja pintu dibuka;the tank slowly ~ed with water, tangki itu perlahan-lahan menjadi penuh dgn air; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buck1 | vi mendompak: the horse ~ed as soon as the rider sat in the saddle, kuda itu mendompak sebaik sahaja penunggang itu duduk di atas pelana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrest | vt 1. take into custody, menangkap: he was ~ed as he stepped off the plane, dia ditangkap sebaik sahaja dia turun dr kapal terbang; 2. seize (ship) legally, menahan; 3. stop, check, a. (motion of person or object) menahan: a tree branch ~ed his fall, dahan pokok telah menahan dia drpd terus jatuh; b. (progress, spread, flow, etc) menyekat, menghentikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
book | ~ in, mendaftar masuk: please ~ in as soon as you arrive, sila daftar masuk sebaik sahaja tuan sampai; ~ so. in, a. register so’s name (on arrival at a hotel etc) mendaftarkan nama: just as I was about to ~ you in I realised that we’d gone to the wrong hotel, sebaik saja saya hendak mendaftarkan nama tuan tiba-tiba saya sedar bahawa kita telah tersalah hotel; b. reserve a place for so., menempah bilik utk sso: I’ve ~ed you in at the Pan Pacific, saya telah menempah bilik utk tuan di Hotel Pan Pacific; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enlist | vi enter the armed forces, masuk (+> approp n):I have not ~ed yet, saya belum masuk tentera lagi; he wants to ~ in the navy when he leaves school, dia hendak masuk tentera laut sebaik sahaja tamat persekolahannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immediately | the states most ~ affected by the amendments to the act, negeri-negeri yg langsung menerima kesan pindaan akta itu; b. being nearest in time, (used with “after”, “on”) sebaik sahaja; (used with “preceeding”, “before”) betul-betul: ~ after the game, sebaik saja perlawanan tamat; the events ~ preceeding the assassination, peristiwa-peristiwa yg berlaku betul-betul sebelum pembunuhan itu; c. being nearest in space, betul-betul: their apartment is ~ below mine, pangsapuri mereka betul-betul di bawah pangsapuri saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |